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Due to this version being outdated, I only had written certain events for future chapters. If you are curious I will leave them here. I felt I can't justify having a chapter for each small summary.

5: Realization
Ann realized she hasnt been working at the shop and rushes over to apologize

At this time Ann starts gaving slight feelings for Rich but thinks its too soon

Naevy is a bit surpised but is hopefull
Miliani pokes fun at her and they talk about relationships and work. Naevy mentions Milani told her the crazy adventure and why Ann was gone

(Week went by, Rich thinks he might be able to try walking but fails. At least he semi managed to get to the

which felt odd considering how the rest of Ann's house was fully furnished and decorated (Rich went looking around the room after failing)

6:Stitch and Sew
Rich might have issues with walking. Katherine comes back into town to work at her shop. Offers Ann some clothes but she decides to ask if Rich can get new outfits instead. Rich recognizes Katherine because of a past incident. She also pokes some fun.

K: It seems like Ann is really fond of you huh?
R: uhh excuse me..?
A: Katherine...
K:haha I'm just messing around.

A: here
K: nope, all on the house Ann
A: come on katherine you gave Rich and I an entire wardrobe. I must repay you in some way!
K: Ann that's not gonna discourage me

?: An Archer's Grudge
-Rich starts living with Ann after feeling better, helping with house work to repay her
-Kit rushes into the shop and is injured
-Rich comes back from walk and Kit is on high guard
-Kit warns Ann and Milani about him being a thief
-Rich feels scared about their reaction since he did lie

?: Confessions of a Greedy Courier

I'm aware this isn't much. I apologize. Thank you for reading anyways. I hope you will check out the updated version when it comes out.

KamaHeart: Healing From Past Pains (OLD VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now