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Draco's pov
I've always hated Potter. I hate the way he smiles, i hate the way he walks and talks like he's a king, i hate his hair and his face and his attitude. But there's always been one thing that made me think twice about potter's ego, and that's first year. On the first day of first year everyone was bustilling to get on the train but there was also a lot of talk about Harry Potter going to Hogwarts this year. I beleived all the talk but i wasn't very excited to meet him. I wasn't excited because he was most likely going to be a spoiled prat who thinks he's better than everyone else. And i know i don't have very much room to talk but in all honesty i don't really want to be the mean person everyone thinks i am. But i grew up with my father being such a prat that it's just hard to not act like him which means acting spoiled and overly-confident. Don't get me wrong i love my father and i know he loves me but he can be quite a bitch sometimes. I had been walking down the isle of the train trying to find a compartment when i spotted a small boy with raven black hair and a lightning scar on his forehead. I emediately knew it was Potter so my first instinct was to act high and mighty to show the prat that he's not going to be king of this school but then i really took in his appearance and stopped in my tracks. He truly was a small boy but his clothes were much bigger, way too big for him. He seemed so fragile and scared like he would shatter into a million pieces if touched too roughly. His big green eyes were covered by huge round glasses but i could still see them and the sight made me sad. His eyes were like big green orbs, but they weren't shiny or lively, they were dull and completely void of any and all emotions but fear, saddness, and suffering. He had big bags under his eyes that proved he didn't sleep very much and, even though it was hard to tell with the baggy clothes, he seemed to be deathly thin. But the thing that caught my eye the most was the faint hand-shaped bruise around his neck. No-one else seemed to notice any of this though, they seemed to be too in awe at the fact that they were in the presence of the boy that survived voldemort only as an infant. He just looked so sad and tired. He looked so suprised and scared that people were talking to and acknoliging(i can't spell for shit) him, almost like he wasn't used to it. I decided that the rumors about him being a spoiled prat couldn't possibly be true so i decided to befriend him. But of course with me being me i screwed it up and made him hate me. I had gone over to talk and ask for friendship but ended up insulting the weasle and mudblood and telling him to "Come hang out with the higher calibor of wizard" in the most snoody way possible. As expected he turned down my friendship and ended up hating me but i couldn't really blame him. Throughout the rest of 1st year i kept a close eye on potter all while maintaining my "spoiled rich prat" act. I did this because the truth is i was worried for him, he was so unsure about everything he did and i noticed that everytime he did something wrong he curled in on himself and began to shake almost like he was expecting to get hit or something. By the end of the year he seemed more confident and he came back in 2nd year as a completely different person. It's now the beginning of the summer after 5th year but to this day i still find myself thinking about the way he was in 1rst year, the way he looked so broken and scared, i just can't seem to get that image of him out of my head, why?
Sorry it's so short i'll post again soon.

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