Chapter Three

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After that moment, they were engulfed by silence. Yeonjun was still embarrassed. That line, it kept repeating on his mind.

Can I eat you now?

Again, this time he was already frustrated. He couldn't stop his mind. He ended up grabbing his hair tightly. Luckily, he was in the bathroom and he was sure taking his precious time.

Soobin was in bed, lying comfortably. His long legs was exposed as if he's a model. Since his lower body had been wrapped by just towel, his big thing was hidden.

Finally, Soobin heard a click. He saw Yeonjun looking embarrassed. His cheeks were blushing and his hair was messy. Soobin couldn't help his heart but to beat faster. His owner was cute and sexy at the same time. Who could ignore this sight? No one. But sharing was not in Soobin's vocabulary. He must only see this, only him.

"Are you okay?", Soobin asked the common question. He knows the reason why Yeonjun is like this but he can't let go this chance. Yeonjun's face became a mess again. 'Do I look okay? Seriously?!' Yeonjun thought.

Soobin saw his face. With a wide eyes throwing a glare to him, a pouting lips, and a blushing cheeks. Soobin can't help but to sigh to hide his emotion. 'What a sight!' he thought as he capture this sight.

"Can you go back to your rabbit form?", Yeonjun asked as he sat on couch. His slender fingers were on his face. "Yes. Why? Do you want me in my rabbit form?", Soobin questioned, his eyes were on Yeonjun, monitoring his movements.

"Of course! Rabbit form was a lot cuter than human form", Yeonjun said, his eyes show heart. He loves cute not handsome. Soobin frowned. How can he hug his owner when he is on that form? Kiss him passionately? "This form is better", Soobin said, his voice filled with jealousy. How can he became jealous to himself?

"But-", Yeonjun said but he was stop by Soobin. He stood up and walked towards Yeonjun. "I don't want. I'm okay with this. Do you see this face? It's handsome. Why are letting go this face? You must be an idiot", Soobin said boastfully as he touch his face.

'Why? You asked? Because when you're in human form, I feel like, you're dominating me. I feel like you're more powerful and I don't want that!' Yeonjun thought while looking at Soobin.

Yeonjun accidentally looked at Soobin's eyes. He shivered and he doesn't know why. As his mind went blank, Soobin grab this opportunity. He lifted up Yeonjun and put Yeonjun down on the bed. Yeonjun struggled but Soobin is stronger.

"Let's sleep", Soobin said as he wrapped his long arms around Yeonjun's waist. Their faces are close to each other. Feeling each other hot breath and warmth. It's uncomfortable yet comfortable.

"Why are you doing this?", Yeonjun asked, his voice was almost whisper. "Why?", Soobin asked back. He looked at his(Yeonjun) eyes and felt his heartbeat. Once again, the silence engulfed them.

Yeonjun looked away and felt his face heat up. For Soobin, his face blushed also but he didn't look away. His eyes stay on Yeonjun's face. His owner is truly beautiful. No matter what angle. Even if his Yeonjun was not that beautiful, he will still love him. He loves him because it's Yeonjun. That's how love works right?

Soobin might be possessive but he knows that he loves Yeonjun, treasure him and hide from anyone. For Yeonjun, his emotion, it might be confusing for him but it's just for now. His confusion will be answer in the future. He just need to be patient and realize his emotion.

The night was silent. Only insects sound could be heard. Yeonjun felt his eyes getting heavier. Pulling him into his dreamland. Soobin saw this and smiled. 'My Yeonjun.'

A few minutes later, the fight between Yeonjun and sleepiness has ended. Of course, sleepiness won. With a closed eyes, a slightly open mouth, a hot breath coming in and out from his mouth, he looks peaceful. Unlucky for him, he will not hear what Soobin going to say.

Soobin just stared. His eyes was full of emotion and can't help but to smile. He felt his heart beating faster that it might explode. Well, he's inlove. Our big rabbit is inlove.

"I love you", it might've not heard by Yeonjun but the silence was there. Soobin kissed Yeonjun's forehead, cheeks, nose, and lastly his sweet and soft lips. For one last time, he hug Yeonjun tightly, feeling his warmth, smelling his sweet scent and his body.

Soobin came back from his rabbit form. Its soft and white fur appeared. A big human turn to cute and small rabbit. He started to close his eyes and Yeonjun's face appeared. 'Sleep well. Tommorow I'm gonna annoy you again' Soobin thought as he felt sleepy.

Later on, a cute guy and a cute rabbit were hugging each other. Loving each other heat and scent. How beautiful! What a sight!

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