Chapter Twelve

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"Mom, we're leaving now. The food tastes delicious as always, mom", Yeonjun said while Soobin was smiling behind him, wrapping his long arm on Yeonjun's shoulder. Soobin saluted when Yeonjun's mom said something as his husband gave him a thumbs up.

"Take care of my Yeonjunie, Soobinie."

"Mom, I can take care of myself." Yeonjun thought that his mother thinks about him as  a weak person, who couldn't protect himself from any harm. Thinking about it, Yeonjun frowned.

But his mom has different thought about it as she talked, "Yeonjunie, having someone taking care of you doesn't mean you're weak or something else. It's love, not pity or thinking that you're someone who couldn't protect yourself. Maybe, in different side, it is but in your case, it's definitely love."

"I can see Soobin loves you so why not take care of someone you love? Even I don't say this, Soobin will take care of you, am I right, Soobinie?", his mom continued that was answered by Soobin.

"Yes, ma! I will definitely!"

Hearing this, Yeonjun's mom smiled and said, "See? And who said that only you will be taken care of? Also you! You will protect Soobinie."

"Love, you're talking again for so long."

"Shut up", his mom answered as she elbowed his husband who was taken aback by his wife's action and hissed in pain.

Yeonjun thought, 'Take care of someone you love, huh? So what I'm seeing now, mom?'

"Yeonjunie, I can see your face."

Soobin lowly laughed. Despite of how low his voice, Yeonjun could still hear him so he looked back. "Why are you laughing? Is my family that funny?", Yeonjun asked.

His mom and dad was still arguing about something while the two of them slowly leave the place. As they opened the door, they waved their hands to the other couple.

"Bye! Mom! Dad!"

"We're leaving!"

"Ah? Eh! Wait!", his mom ran after them but due to age gap, they are more faster so his mom couldn't help but to called them. His husband followed her and tried to persuade her to let the two guy leave.

"I'm still talking."

"Love, stop talking or else."

Yeonjun turned his head around and saw his parents. He couldn't help but to laughed thinking about his childish mom and his dad with everlasting patient. "Just how did they end up together?"

"How about us, my Yeonjun?", Soobin asked, his long arm slightly hug Yeonjun's waist and caressing it gently. Yeonjun's attention was turned to Soobin. "What about us?", Yeonjun softly looked up since Soobin is taller than him.

"Do you think we will end up together?"

"I don't know....", Yeonjun paused as they also stopped walking. Yeonjun expected Soobin to speak so he quickly continue what he's saying. He started to walked while holding Soobin's big hand as he spoke, "...but I think we will make it. We will be together as long as we love each other. I don't know anything about future. That's indeed true but there's a present which I know."

"So do you have feelings to me?", Soobin asked as he tightened his grip and intertwined their perfectly made for each other hands. Yeonjun lightly stop his pace. Soobin saw this and let a sad smile out.

"Why are you smiling yet sad? Didn't I say that we will be together? I stop because I've realized the difference between like and love."

They walked as Yeonjun spoke, "At first I didn't have feelings for you. But time can change everything. The more we stay together, the stronger my feeling for you."

Soobin felt his heart warmed by listening. He couldn't stop himself from kissing Yeonjun's cheek which was blushing. Yeonjun was shocked so he stepped backward as he touched his cheek where Soobin kissed.

"First time?"


Yeonjun still has something to say but his mouth stopped moving when this big rabbit kissed him. Soobin laughed so hard that his cheeks suddenly flushed. He really loves teasing his owner.

The scene was too cute. But they forgot one thing. They were outside.

"What they are doing?"

"Both guy, flirting?"

"That's gross!"

"Disgusting shit."

"I was happy earlier but now...tch!"

The two guys halted. Soobin who was laughing earlier, wore his dark expression while Yeonjun's face was as pale as paper.

Soobin was angry! How dare they! But he couldn't control everything around him. When they are also human, who have their own perspective. But he has his own perspective also! 

Yeonjun saw Soobin clenched his hand as hand as he could. "Soobin, violence won't solve anything. Let's leave this place now."

"Just one punch."


Soobin reluctantly unclenched his hand. Despite of this action, he shouted. Well, if he couldn't punch this people, he would just open his mouth and say what he wants.

Yeonjun also felt angry but he knew, he couldn't do anything about this. So when he thought Soobin will stop, he sighed in relief but he didn't expected Soobin will do something.

"Who said that, huh? Disgusting shit? Gross? Well, I don't care. Why do I should listen to your opinion, huh? Eh, I didn't even know your names. All of you, mustn't feel love because you insulted it. By saying disgraceful words. This guy....", Soobin pointed Yeonjun. He couldn't help but to blushed because there's so many people watching them.

" the one I love. And let me ask you, is my heart yours?!", Soobin said as he kissed Yeonjun in front of crowd.

"You dare to insult us so let me insult you too. No one live in this world without mind. Think before you speak."

Soobin was tall so he stand out in the crowd. So when he kissed Yeonjun, many people saw this.

After that, Soobin and Yeonjun leave the scene, leaving the crowd.


Author: Is it okay?

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