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I grab her hand while she quietly sobs on the ground, she jumps, heavy breaths escape her lips as she curls up tighter and I can see less of her face as it retreats into a small dark cave. "I technically owe you one, for caring for me? you remember?" She slowly looks up, her glossy eyes start welling and she jumps into an embrace, She sobs into my shoulder while muttering thank you in shaky waves. I rub her back, feeling a little more anger wash away. 

I sit her on the couch and she curls back up with a blanket, I bet she feels guilty. I ask her if she wants anything. she says no, I assume  because of the situation. I finish putting away groceries and then sit with her on the sofa. at this point she had seem to calm down and her body was laid out on the couch. despite the situation with the lingering trace of my anger, she does look quite attractive, gentle curves, a long smooth torso, dusted with freckles and scars and her dark hair spread like tree roots tangling around her head. Shes soft as a song, I yearn for a moment to tangle my hand with her small pale ones. I shake away my thoughts, now is not the time Amie. 

I can see her eyelids weigh down, I didn't know she slept. I poke her arm, she flutters awake again and looks at me, her eyes still glossy. "its 12:40 now, I assume you sleep during the day but, there are some things  we need to talk about." she sighs and curls up, resting her head on her knees sheepishly. "yeah, I guess we should right?" I can already see her drifting off. I snap my fingers and she perks back up. " who's house did you sneak into? why during the day? and how did you get caught? " I ask a little more rudely then intended she looked up, "ok, After I took care of you I felt scared to try eating again, it was only when I realised I was starving and would start to face major conciseness if I didn't eat, that I tried to go out during the day. " I shake my head, "why didn't you think this through? " she looked embarrassed " I may have been I bit delusional and made choices based on the fact I was hungry."  figures. "so who did you go after?" I ask "oh, a woman who lives like a block down, her neighbour caught me sneaking in and called the cops, I managed to at least get a meal in before they showed up." a little fear wells up in me "what if you made the same mistake?"

she shakes her head, "I would know, with you it was different"  my brow furrows "how was it different?" she pauses, pondering her answer. "the energy you gave off was plentiful, constantly flowing, it was warm and irresistible." she kept looking up, I could still notice the little tremors of fear, her voice kept getting shaky and her hands would shake. the last few bits of anger in me still linger, but it has mostly dissipated. "ok, for now, before we try to figure things out, you should get some sleep." she nods and I stand up, I watch her curl up in the far corner of the couch, clutching the blanket.  

I linger in the kitchen and watch as she drifts away. 

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