A Sholder To Cry On

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(Elliott) i bort Olivia some food she was resting i walk in and sat on her bed "Olivia" i say in a whisper

(Olivia) i do a sleepy moan as i here my name being called i blink a few times untill i reilze it was Elliott uhhh what you doing here i say

(Elliott) i smile i bort you some food you need to eat i say giving her a sandwich and a bottle of water as she sits up i sit back and she rests her head on my sholder "are you ok"? I ask you was very quite after when we got back from the girls house

(Olivia) i take a sip of my water im fine i say he new really i wasn't i huff and shift closer to him moving his arm around me to my side

(Elliott) we stay silent for a few minutes untill i spoke, i know that your that your sort of personal to this case and i know your think about your mother(gets cut off)

(Olivia) its not that. That mother thinks its her daughter's faults that she's the reason she got raped she thinks its her daughter's fault, her daughter didn't ask for that to happen i say with Emotion trying so hard to hold back the tears like my mother didn't ask to be raped. And then she fell pregnant with me i always ask if im like him

(Elliott) NO!!!  Your not like him you have a heart and everybody is. Lucky to have you Liv i know i am i pull her closer to me as i here her cry, Shhhhh i say your nothing like him i say in a whisper our forheads meet and she snuggles into my neck "you know im always here for you

(Olivia) my heart was aching again as tears run down my face it..... It...... Just....... T.... Takes alot out...... O. Of you i say between sobs

(Elliott) i know it does and that's why everyday we get stronger and stronger and who ever we love we let in because all of us who work here knows how hard it is. And you know you can always talk to me because i will always be here for you

(Olivia) i just nod letting it all out my sobs got louder and louder untill i calmed down. I new that i could always count on him

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