The Wedding Of Our Dreams

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(Olivia) i woke up that morning so excited today was the day, the day I marry the man of my dreams I smile and hurryed out of bed running into the shower when there was a knock on the door "it's open" I called out

(Melinda) morning I see you are up excited for today i ask?

(Olivia) i smile at her yes very i can't believe this is happening and with Elliott "morning" we both here it was Alex Cabo I smile morning hunny I get another good morning from Alex. I smile and. Say it back to her we all sat. Around Alex did my hair (im just going to say that when both Alex's talk I'm going to Put"Alex C for Alex Cabot and just Alex for the one who's in criminal intent) and when Alex C did my make up  part of me was so scared and nervous and another part of me couldn't wait

(Alex C)  i can't believe that you and Elliott are getting married im so excited I say smileing at her

(Alex) i think we all are, but just make sure that bobby lays off the champagne i say we all giggle because we all know how bobby can get he goes out of control but everyone loves to see him drunk

(Melinda) but if he does get drunk I will record it I say and we all laugh even more

(Bobby) wake up Elliott i say shacking him leaning over

(Elliott)  i jump out of my skin when I saw Bobby's face  leaning over me im... Im awake i say yawning and getting out. Of bed going into a hot shower and having a shave

(Fin) i was trying to find my tie i looked everywhere I huffed "JOHN HAVE YOU SEEN MY TIE!!!???" I shouted

(John) i walk in right behind fin and put my arms around him here we go baby i say he truns around straighting my tie "thank you" he says kissing me on the lips and walking away

(Bobby) i smile as I see fin kiss John but apart of me aches for my lips to go on Alex's I rubbed the back of my neck and pushed all thoes thoughts out of my head today was about my best friend and I was going to do right by him I say i here a door open as Elliott steps out

(Elliott) how do i look? I ask

(bobby) uh...  Nice i say

(Elliott) i roll my eyes thanks bobby could at least say handsome i say he tilted his head but i get a little giggle out of him i then turn to John "when are you going to pick up Olivia?"

(John) i checked my watch oh i better go i say and walk out

(Olivia) i got into my dress and the girls had tears in there eyes i smile how do i look? I asked

(AlexC, Alex Melinda) beautiful they all say


(Melinda) I'll go i say running to the door  when I opend it I saw it was John Hay we both say

(John) is.... Is liv ready? I ask

(Melinda) upstairs I say pointing he runs up

(John) i knock on the door and she turns around my heart fluttered and my eyes had water in them

(Olivia) i saw that i say pointing at him "you look beautiful" he says i smile thank you is Elliott ok? I asked

(John) now you know i can't say anythink especially today I mean it's bad luck we don't want to die on the way to the church, and i don't want you two to fall out or something for a change i have a good feeling, but right now I'm having a proud dad moment I say

(Olivia) i giggle even though your not my dad he holds his hand out and leads me downstairs as we all get into a car and go to the church

(Elliott) i breath as we all went to the car to the church i was so nervous I wanted today to go perfect for Olivia as we got closer and closer I couldn't wait

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