Ch. 6 | Road Trip

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The somewhat 'heart to heart' Adam and Lucy had while screaming at each other in the random ice cream parlor's parking lot changed the atmosphere of their car ride. Adam was all smiles and constantly trying to hold her hand. It was as if he was afraid she might change how she felt about him and throw herself out of the car if he wasn't touching her. Trying to text Zoe with one hand wasn't working so she shook his hand off of hers and placed it on her thigh.

She glanced at him to see if he would take that as an invitation to grope her, but he didn't. The Adam she knew would have already made a comment or moved his hand up at least a little. Especially after they acknowledged their feelings for each other but he was on his best behavior. It was hard not to notice how he fidgeted slightly in the driver seat, how his hand gripped the steering wheel a little tighter, and how his throat bobbed as he tried to focus on the road. She was looking forward to seeing how he would behave after she told him he would have to work to get on her good side and to see how long his good behavior would last.


Zoe: "So what happened? I have to work soon but I honestly won't be able to concentrate until I know how things are with you and Adam. You're not still fighting are you?"

Lucy: "You're relentless. We talked about things."

Zoe: "And..."

Lucy: "And? We are friends again."

Zoe: Did he admit he's in love with you? Did he tell you he wants to marry you and have gorgeous babies with wavy, black, soft looking hair?"

Lucy: "You need to stop watching the Hallmark channel. He said he broke up with Hannah for me...among other things. It's too much to text and even though I despise talking on the phone, I would much rather tell you everything over the phone. DO NOT CALL ME RIGHT NOW! We can talk about it when Adam isn't sitting right next to me."

Zoe: "He broke up with Hannah for you because he fucking loves you bitch. Omg he will look so fucking hot in a tux. How are winters in New York? We should have the wedding there I think."

Lucy: "God you're the worst. I'll text you once I'm alone and we can talk but until then STFU!"

Zoe: "Okay okay fine. Tell Adam I love him. Give him my number. I'm serious and not just saying that to fuck with you. I promise I won't ask him for a dick pic. Give it to him in case there's an emergency or something. Promise me."

Lucy: "Fine."

Zoe: "Love you."

Lucy: "Love you too."


Lucy giggled then tossed her phone back into her bag at her feet. Adam looked over at her questionably.


"Zoe. She wanted me to tell you she loves you and would like me to add her number to your phone in case there's an emergency and either one of you need to contact the other," she sighed.

"That's a good idea," he said as he slightly lifted his hips, fished his phone out of his back pocket, and tossed it to her.

Having not expected such a nonchalant reaction, she almost dropped his phone. She wasn't sure whether or not they were "official" after their talk, but she knew how some couples were when it came to letting their partner go through their phone.

"I don't have any good cock shots in there so if you want to send her one you'll have to do it for me," he smiled at her.

"You're okay with me going through your phone?" she asked suspiciously.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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