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     Since I woke up extra early, I decided I would eat a nicer breakfast.  My mom was still asleep, but her alarm would probably go off at anytime.  I still tried to be quiet, though.  As I was getting my food to fix, though, my phone buzzed.

     "What? Who would be texting me this early?" I asked, even though I hadn't check to see if it were a text.

     It was though, and it was from Hatsume.  I opened it quickly, especially after what happened yesterday.

     "When we get to the school, meet me IMMEDIATELY"

     Well there goes my good morning.  Now I'm worried about what happened.  I hope I didn't upset her somehow...

[Timeskip babes!!]

     I arrived at the school with a swelling pain in my stomach.  I was worried sick over Mei.  Was I supposed to meet with her yesterday?  I don't think I was.  Oh no oh no oh no.

     I headed to the room we had met in so many times before.  She wasn't in there yet, so I decided to sit down. It was still quite a while before classes started, so I had time.  She took a bit longer than expected, so me being the nosy girl I am, peeked around at some blueprints.  If I'm being honest, I was looking for the one she had earlier.  The plan of getting the boy. (With girl scribbled out).  I eventually came across it, and looked over it.  It had mark-outs over somethings I couldn't read. The only things left uncovered were some things she found out about Tenya that she must have needed to help me. But there was one question.

     "How did she know this?" I whispered to myself.

     "Know what?" A voice said.

     "GYAH!" I screamed out,  "Oh! Um.. hey, Mei! Haha.."
When the heck did she get in here?

     "Why are you looking through my blueprints..? And specifically that one?" She asked.  She had a different tone to her voice; she sounded.. almost betrayed.

     "Oh! I-its nothing, haha! I.. um.. just lost my-"

     "I know what you were doing, y/n. You were curious about the plan."

     Her tone shifted.  She sounded annoyed.  I guess she had good reason.  I was looking through her stuff without permission after I said I didn't want to use this plan.  I tried to make up a better excuse, but time ran out.

     "You know what, y/n," she groaned, "I've changed my mind today. Just go to class."

     "Mei look i-"

     "I said go."

     At that moment, I knew I had messed up.  I didn't even have to use my quirk to know she was mad at me.  I hesitated, but grabbed my bag and went on out into the hallway.  I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going.  This made me almost pass up Tenya.

     "Y/n, hey, are you ok?" He said, chopping the air a bit.

     "What? Oh, hey Tenya. Yeah I'm fine," I said.

     "Well you don't look fine," he stated, "you look like something major happened."

     "I am ok, stop worrying!" I
gleamed.  Well, trying to gleam. I didn't want him to know what happened.

     "Ok, fine," he groaned, jokingly.  Then he looked back. "What were you doing in that room? I don't mean to intrude, but I've never been in that room before."

     I got a bit anxious again. "Uh, it wasn't anything major." Then I came up with a question. "Why were you coming towards the room?"

     "Uh.. I was just walking around." He stumbled. He was clearly making up an excuse.  I had been nosy earlier which led to Mei..y'know. Though I didn't learn my lesson. I played along, but read his mind.

     "Ok she doesn't know I was going in the room.  Is Mei doing the same with her? I thought it was just to get the info. Maybe it's just a girl thing."

     "Hmm." He hummed.

     "What?" I asked, though I knew.  I believe I found out some very important info.

     It seems Mei is working with Tenya too.  But... Why?

Ok so uhhh sorry if this chapter is confusing I am
t i r e d. If anything doesn't make sense, please ask, I'll try to elaborate! (Unless it's something I can't reveal yet)


I Know You're Gonna Run// Tenya Iida X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now