Chapter 1

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          You've been friends with (bsf/n) for a long time now, you're basically like sisters, you met her in the 5th grade and realized something special. You and her tell each other everything, but for a while now you've been keeping a secret from her. You're now freshmen at Karasuno High, and the one thing you've kept in for all these years is how you're in love with her older brother, Tadashi Yamaguchi. He's also a freshmen he's just a year older. You remember the first time You went to her house and saw him. He was such a shy and quiet kid. You kinda felt bad for him. After you and (bsf/n) got closer you realized how he would come home all dirty and beat up. You asked him about it a few times but he would always say he just fell at recess or some other excuse . You knew he was lying but you just brushed it off because you didn't want him to get upset with you. Even then you were still concerned for him, one day on your way home from school you seen how happy he was

"Hey, what's with the smile?"

You ask turning your head, but loved seeing him happy for a change. He then looked at you and his sister with the biggest smile

"I made a new friend today!"

He shouted in excitement

"That's amazing! How'd you guys meet?"

His sister asked. He seemed fidgety and looked to the ground

"Oh, well.... we just happened to run into each other at recess today"

He said nervously like he was hiding something

".....Cool! So when are we gonna meet him?"

You say excitingly curious to know who his new friend is

"Um, I don't know, maybe soon..."

He said looking at you with an akward smile

"Maybe over spring break, I'm planning on asking him for a sleep over"

He said just as nervous with his akward smile

"That sounds fun!"

His sister replied, turning to you. Asking if you'd like to join them so she had company

"Yeah, that does sound fun I'll have to ask my parents"

After you finished saying what you did, you realized you guys had walked to where you had to part. You waved goodbye to your friend and her brother as they did the same walking down the opposite streets

As you walked away you thought to yourself "hmmm, a sleep over with 2 boys?"

So Called Friends (Yamaguchi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now