Part 4

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Part 4

As Arnav expected, Khushi was damn happy about Payal and Akash's marriage. She and her sister are going to be together forever. It's because of Arnavji. Khushi knew how haughty Manorama is. If she is ready to accept Payal as her daughter-in-law, it's because of Arnav. It seems LARD GOVERNOR is not as bad as she thought. She remembered what she said about Arnav once.

"Even a bad man will seem good in front of him. That worse he is"

She chuckled and hit her forehead. And Payal's love for Akash made her awestruck. Finally, her sister's life is settling down. The same man is making it right who ruined her previous marriage. Life never misses to amaze us. She smiled. Anyhow, she badly wanted to thank Arnav.

Arnav who just came to the bed smiled, seeing Gupta's number. He purposely asked.

"Who is this?"

"This is Payal"

Arnav was dumbfounded. He thought it was Khushi.

"Akashji told me it's you who compromised, Mamiji."

"It's not a big deal," he said.

"According to you, it's not. But you have no idea what you have done for my family. My family faced a worse time when my marriage got stopped. Khushi was also guilty. She thought it was because of her. She always says, she should not have gone to the Sheesh Mahal that day."

Arnav was not that dumb not to understand, what Payal is talking about. That means, what Khushi told them about her sister's wedding is not an excuse.

"Thank you Arnavji... you brought a smile on my parents face"

"I'm sorry Payal... I don't know that it was your marriage...."

"Leave it Arnavji... I never regret the stopped marriage. A greedy man can never be a good husband. Knowingly or unknowingly you have saved me from the man. Thank you"

She disconnected the call. Arnav gulped. He didn't trust Khushi's words that day. He had not trusted anyone though. But he didn't know his disbelief could ruin someone's life... not just someone's life but a family's happiness. They are a normal middle-class family. It was not hard for Arnav to analyze, how their condition would have been. Scattered pearls of her Dori... her flawless tears... innocent eyes... why didn't he trust her?

He went to the poolside and stood, looking at the sky, remembering Khushi's words about STARS. She is leading a simple and interesting life unlike him. He felt bad for hurting her every time. Still, she had forgiven him.

Again a phone call dragged his attention. It was again from Gupta House. He attended it making himself up, thinking, it's Payal.


"It's me"

It surely brought a smile to Arnav's face as "It's me" was said by Khushi.

"I mean?"

"Can't you understand who is talking?"

Arnav smiled silently.

"Arnavji... I know you recognized my voice"

"Ohh really?"

"Haan, you have our landline number"

"Very smart"

"I called you to thank you"

"For what?"

"Because of you, my sister is getting married. I was so worried about my sister. Because of you, she is smiling again Arnavji"

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