Chapter 2

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                     Chapter 2 

Heartland Ranch.

Amy was going to check on the Cattle and Ranch hands at the furthest Point of the Ranch which would take her 4 days as the crow flys, and after what happened with Colt she needed to get away and this was the best way for her. Amy only did this trip twice a year, She had her pack horse with her and a Satellite phone, she had her high powered Rifle and her Glock hand gun with her in a holster on her belt. There were still wild animals here, especially the Mountain Lions.
Amy told Grandma Lyndy she would be gone for at least 10 days.
After Amy lost her horse along with her parents Grampa Jack let Amy have the first pick of new foals born the following year , she picked a beautiful Black Stallion and named him Shadow, that was 11 years ago. Lyndy helped her train him, he was a bit testy to start with and Jack suggested gelding him but Amy wouldn't here of it as she wanted to use him for breeding.

On the fourth day Amy was approaching her destination, a small 3 bed ranch house where the Ranch hands stayed during their 2 week stint . The Ranch hands took it in turns every fortnight on a rota as it was the farthest point of the Ranch.
Amy spent her time there to check the area and the Cattle.
Then it was time for her to return home. After two days she used the satellite phone to phone her grandma and let her know she was almost home. Lyndy informed Amy that Colt kept calling round asking where she was, even though Lyndy told him she would be away for ten days as she was at the furthest point of the Ranch.
Amy told Lyndy that he was too possessive and controlling and that's why she finished with him , but it looks like he's not ready to accept there finished.
Two days later Lyndy saw Amy in the distance approaching the house and walked out to meet her as did Sarah ready to take the horses for her.
Bet your tired Lyndy asked her Granddaughter.
Amy nodded saying she was sore too and needed a soak in a hot bath and some sleep. Sarah took Shadow and the pack horse saying she would sort them out. Amy thanked her and went in the house for a hot soak and sleep, Amy asked Grandma Lyndy that if Colt turned up to say she wouldn't be back till late or in the morning.
Amy had a long soak and when she got out Lyndy told her to get into something comfy then come and eat before she went to bed.
Her and grandma had a good chat about her ten days away and Lyndy asked her if everything was okay out there. Amy told her gran that everything was perfect and the Ranch hands were doing a great job. Although there was a new Ranch hand out there who caught her eye and blushed as she looked up at grandma Lyndy .
Oohhhh is that so , what's his name, lyndy asked her, but Amy didn't know what his name was. Well I'll ask Duke who the new hand is for you.
Grandma don't!!!
Ohh sush , Duke wont say anything.
Amy smiled at her and kissed her gran goodnight then went to her room, she didn't put the light on, just got into bed and started to doze off when she heard a truck pull up outside.
Amy had a good Idea who it was.

Colt got out his truck and walked up to the Porch door. Lyndy opened the door asking him what he wanted again.
I want to see Amy, he said in an aggressive tone.             
"First of all young man have some respect, your on my property and this is my home, secondly Amy is not due home till the morning. "
How do you know that, theres no cell towers colt shouted back.
Amy has a Satellite phone so we can keep in touch .
So give me the Number so I can call her says an irritable Colt.
Colt, I can't do that and Amy told me that you and her are finished so go home and leave her alone.
Duke was watching from the side of the Barn in the shadows.
No, I want to talk to her and I don't accept that were over.
Colt, your turning into a stalker, last time you hurt her because you grabbed her wrists so hard. Now I'm telling you to stay away from her.
You can't stop me. Colt said defiently.
YES WE CAN, said Duke from behind him along with 4 other Ranch Hands holding Rifles.
YOU HURT OUR GIRL AND WE WILL COME AFTER YOU. Now do what Mrs Bartlett told you and don't come back.
Colt pushed his way through them, got in his truck and drove off.
Thanks all of you, Lyndy said.
No problem Ma'm, and they walked off.
Think Amy's going to have trouble with him Duke. Lyndy said.
Well, we'll keep an eye on him Lyndy.
Thank you Duke.
Your welcome Lyndy.

In the Morning Amy is up, Showered and Dressed, she walks into the kitchen and says Good morning then gives her Grandma a hug. I'm sorry you had to deal with Colt last night.
No problem Amy, I think he's going to be trouble though.
Yeahhhhh, I'll deal with him, thank you.
Then she hears his truck again, Dam him, can't he just leave me alone.
She puts her Cowgirl Boots on and asks Grandma to phone Duke.
Oh, Amy that Ranch Hands name is Tyler Borden, he's 24.
Thanks Gran.
Amy goes out and can see the annoyed aggressive look on Colts face.
So Colt, what's with all the Stalking and aggression , I told you that we were finished because your Controlling, possessive, violent, and you try to tell me what I can do and not do, what I can or not wear, where I've been, who've I've been talking to, and that is why you can leave me alone. I'm a free spirit and will not be controlled by you or anyone else.
Now Back off, leave me alone and find someone else.
The next thing Amy knew she was on the floor and could taste blood in her mouth.
Duke saw and made a beeline for Colt but before he got there Amy was up, walked over to Colt and power punched him so hard he flew 6ft. Unfortunately she heard the bones in her right hand break on impact.
Duke stood by Colt telling him that if he sets foot on the Ranch or hits Amy ever again he will be shot as a trespasser. He picks him up roughly and throws him in his Truck and tells him he has 30 seconds to get off the Ranch..

To be continued

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