Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

It had been six weeks since Amy was shot, and she had just been given the all clear by her doctor and no more sling.
Her and Ty had been getting closer over those weeks and were now officially a couple, Lyndy hadn't seen her so happy and actually noticed her dressing nicely in a dress when she wasn't doing anything with just a touch of makeup, not that she actually needed it. Even the Ranch hands had noticed giving her the occasional wolf whistle when Duke wasn't around.
Amy didn't mind. It actually made her feel good about herself, and she felt very happy.
Amy started working with the horse's again, and Sarah could see the smile that was always on her face.

Tonight was her and Ty's first proper date now she didn't have a sling on her arm, she was dressed in a figure hugging dress that flared out from the top of her hips and came to just above her knees with high heeled pixe boots, her blonde hair was straight and loose down to her lower back, Lyndy gasped when she saw her come down the stairs.
"Are you trying to give Ty a heart attack sweetheart, you look absolutely gorgeous."
"Thank you, grandma, it's nice to dress up how I want to without being told what to wear."
"I don't think Ty is the sort to tell you what you can or not wear."
"He told me that already when I told him what Colt was like, he told me to wear whatever I felt like because whatever I wear, I'll still look beautiful in his eyes."
"Awe, what a lovely thing to say."
There was a knock at the door, and Amy started to move towards the door when Lyndy told her to wait where she was, and Lyndy opened the door to a very smartly dressed Ty.
"Come in , she's all ready for you."
When Ty saw Amy, his Jaw hit the floor and bounced back up again.
"Amy, you look absolutely gorgeous."
"You look very handsome yourself Ty".
"Shall we go?"
Lyndy put her hand out and asked for a Photo first for the photo Album, they did as she asked then she said one more, but as she was about to take it Ty kissed Amy on the cheek which Lyndy got.
They got in Ty's truck and set off, "So is it a secret, or can you tell me where we're going?"
"Of course I'll tell you, that Chinese restaurant you like so much."
"That's brilliant, I love their food."
"Me too."

They had a lovely meal and talked about each others past ,getting to know each other and laughed at some of the things each other did when they were young.
"It's a bit early to go back yet unless you'd like to go home."
"It is still early Ty, what did you have in mind?"
"Well there's a bar on the way back, that nice little place where a few of the lads go for a drink with their girlfriend's , not the rough ones they go else where, I know you don't drink and I had a drink already so I'll be on soft drinks like you".
"You really don't drink much, do you?"
"No, I like the odd drink like this with a meal, but I'm not a big drinker, I've seen what people turn into, and I'm not like that."
"Okay, let's go then, and we can carry on with our mischievous younger lives."
They both laughed, Ty paid the waitress, and they left to head for the bar.
They parked up, and Ty, being the gentleman, opened the door for Amy and helped her out, then walked arm in arm into the bar. When they went in, two of the Ranch hands were there with there long term girlfriends, Ty found a table for two then asked Amy what she would like to drink "I'll have a J20 Juice please" Ty then went to get their drinks.
Unknown to Amy,  Colt was there with two of his friends and they'd had a few beers, "Oh look who it is showing off her long Legs, who are you going to turn down tonight, why show em off if Ya ain't gonna use em"
"BECAUSE I DON'T EXPECT HER TO" Ty said from behind him, Ty was,  (underneath his clothes), all muscle which he would be, working with Cattle all day and he was tall.
Colt had to look up to see him, then his buddies joined him, Amy was getting nervous and the other two ranch hands suddenly appeared behind Colts buddies who began to have second thoughts about this as all three were built like brick shithouses and knew they were in trouble.
Then the security guy turned up with his buddy and asked Colt and his two friends to leave as they'd had to much to drink, Colt didn't have much choice as there were now five against three and left peacefully.
Amy sighed with relief, "Are you okay, love?" Ty asked her. She loved it when he called her love.
"Yeah, I'm okay, I didn't know he was here,"
"Is he the one Duke chased off the Ranch , the one who hit you?"
"Yeah, the one I hit back and bust my hand."
"Good for you, that little display was the alcohol talking."
Ty gave her the drink and put his Coke on the table, then walked over to his mates, and thanked them for coming forward, then returned to Amy.
They continued to chat and again ended up laughing about their exploits.
Ty dropped Amy back at the Ranch and saw her to the door, before he could kiss her goodnight she'd wrapped her arms around his neck and was kissing him like it had been ages but he wasn't complaining and gave back as much as she was giving, eventually they had to stop for air,
" Ty, I want you to know how much I'm in love with you."
"I'm in love with you too Amy".

To be continued

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