“Cait!” She screeches. “Water the grass. Now!”
I quickly finish up washing the dishes and turn to go outside. Scurrying quickly behind the couch in the living room I start off down the hallway. I see Him just in time to press myself against the wall and hope his eyes miss me. Instead he stops, staring at me for what feels like an age. My breath hitches when his hand moves, but he just scratches his stomach and turns away from me.
I slide to the ground. My breathing slowly returns to normal, but I can’t stay like this for long. I force myself to stand, and cautiously move down the hall. The watering can is by the door so I grab it and fill it with water from the stream that flows all the way around the house. Watering the flowers is my favourite job. It’s very relaxing and the only job I can do without them interrupting me. The garden is my safe place, they only come out here when they have guests. When they do I have to stay inside. They don’t want people to see me.
Just as I am relaxing into the task the back door flies open. Leaving a dent that I know I’ll have to fix.
“Cait!” He yells “Get your ass in here!”
The watering can is ripped out of my hand and I’m marched into the house. When we reach the lounge I’m roughly shoved into a corner.
“”Do you see this!” She screeches, and thrusts a plate into my face. I can see the faintest outline of something that could’ve once been gravy. “A spot! A bloody spot! What do we feed you for! No meals for a-”
Her rant is cut short by the tv flickering on. “Breaking news.” The reporter announces, “two leaders have just announced that they will each take a team into the Dragon caves! Team One will be lead by none other than Damian Scott, who just two short months ago became the first person to travel to the bottom of the ocean. He will be leading a team of thirty people. To be eligible to join Daimen’s team you must fill out the application form that can be found on Damians website and donate $3000 to pay for gear.”
She sighs “It would’ve been nice to have sent Cait on that trip. She could’ve got us a dragon egg! If only we had that kind of mon-” She is cut off when the announcer continues to speak. “The Second team will be lead by a local resident by the name of Knox Knight.” as she speaks a picture of Knox flashes up on the screen. He has tan looking skin and bright green eyes, very different from my own pale face. The announcer continues speaking mentioning that he will only be taking a team of 5 into the caves and that you can apply to go by calling the number on the screen.
“Well, well, well.” She says looking at me, as if seeing new worth, “I guess we will be getting a dragon egg after all.” She says and dials Knox’s number. The plate lays forgotten at my feet, I quickly slide it behind me to hopefully avoid the beating I was due for. I’m glad I get to go, even if it is going to be hard. I’ve never had the chance to do anything other than chores.
Five weeks later my things have been packed and I’m walking down the road to the meeting place. From there we will get into a van and head to the caves.
There is one other girl on this trip. Her blue hair matches her eyes and judging by her muscles she's an experienced climber. The other three people are all boys, one with brown hair, one blond and one black. The blond and black haired ones are obviously a couple, they're standing really close together and holding hands. I'm pretty sure I saw them kiss before too.
When we get into the van the two boys sit next to each other. The other boy and the girl sit together also and I'm left on my own. Knox is driving the van. He's taller than I thought he would be, and I'm a little bit intimidated. He looks like Him.
This Small Act
AventuraCait is sent on a dangerous journey to retrieve a dangerous dragon egg for her parents. Will she make it out alive?