To the girl living in her room

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To the girl living in her room
By: CJ-The Blessed Writer

To the girl living in your room...
What's it like? How does the air feel?
Does it crawl like spiders on your skin?
Is it a burning penance for forgotten sin?
When you speak, does your mind echo?
Does your heart brim like foamed milk?
Maybe your cries are like sheets of silk.
To the girl living in your room...
Who are you speaking to?
Are you in the realm of sugar plums,
Candy cane roads, and spearmint gum?
Are you weeping like the willow,
Is a pillow a refuge for your feathered heart?
Who are you speaking to?
When you laugh, do the walls chuckle?
Is the floor rumbling but firm as knuckles?
Are the doors squeaking to entertain?
A squeaky shrill spontaneously.
To the girl living in her room...
Why be alone? Cornered confined mind.
I stand afar, and wander...
Who are you talking to?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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