To Live or Not to Live

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You know when you accidentally stumble upon something that was not meant to be stumbled upon. Like when you look in the green bin in your parents room, and you accidentally spot your Christmas present, wrapped perfectly in green and red wrapping paper. Then your curiosity takes over and you carefully unwrap the gift just to have a peek at what’s inside. When you try to wrap it up again it does not turn out as it did when it was first wrapped. Either the edges aren’t crisp enough, or the wrapping paper became wrinkly. Either way things get out of hand and soon you can’t contain it anymore, either you tell them that you saw, or you just wait for them to find out themselves.

Well that is kind of, what happened the night before my birthday. No one was home so I made myself a bet, if I find my gift in 10 minutes I can open it. Of course, I found it...but I wish I hadn't. Maybe then, I wouldn’t be so deep in my troubles. Maybe then, I won't have to lie every second of the day to protect myself. Maybe I would actually still be alive.

Backing up. When I found my present within the 10 minutes, I was ecstatic. It was in the shed outside. I practically tore it open (though making sure I could still put it back together without anyone noticing the difference). I lifted the shimmering silver necklace from the box and I was guessing my mom had gotten it for me. It had the word Forever Love carved into a heart that hung from the silver chain. I didn't have time to enjoy it when a big gust of wind whipped at the shed sending it toppling. No breeze in the Springtime was this strong but of course I was wrong. Everything fell on top of me and the shed kept bouncing on the ground. Gardening tools, bikes, and even the leaf blower fell on top of me. I tried to push myself to the corner but my leg was trapped beneath what I thought was the lawn mower. The more I pushed the more things fell and I could feel cuts and bruises starting to form. I clung to the necklace as hard as I could but I knew there was no way I was going survive. The wind pushing, the air tightening, my vision became blurred. The wind let out one last gust and the necklace flew from my hands as the world became black.

"Snooping doesn't get you anywhere does it?" An angelic voice hummed. My eyes shot open and I looked up to see a women dressed in a white robe above me. "Besides here in Heaven." She cackled a bit her eyes seemed to dance as she did this. "Welcome Brook. We didn't expect you this soon." Again, she laughed but this time it seemed pained as if the joke hurt a bit to say.

"Where am I?" I rubbed my head trying to rub away the confusion that clouded my mind.

"Heaven sweetie. You got here from trying to find your birthday gift." The angelic woman had her arm extended for me to get up. I looked down to see I was lying on a bed with a red comforter. A wave of realization hit me. I remember being in the shed with the necklace, and then tumbling. "It’s best if you don't think about it. Anyways I am here to guide you in your afterlife. Any questions ask me."

"When do I go home?" I asked once standing.

"Well you can’t really go home. All you can do is visit, yet they won’t be able to see you because you are a "ghost". You are currently in a place called Capri. Named after the ruler of the city. Capri provides a safe home for newly deceased teens." I wasn’t exactly a child but I didn't speak and the word deceased made me shiver. "My first assignment is to introduce you to your new "family". They are just people who once lived like you, but died and were resorted to live here." The cloaked woman led me down a flight of stairs to common room, which had around seven people in it.

"Everyone this is Brook. She has just been sent here from Earth."The crowd turned to stare at me, but they had surprisingly nice faces. Everyone looked to be around my age, and they were all engaged in some type of activity. "Brook this is your new family. I will just leave you to get situated, if you need me my names Jess." Jess swayed from the room back up the stairs leaving me alone with my "family".

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Marcus, and this is the rest of the family." Mike went off listing every ones names. "Everyone here comes with a story no matter what it is. So what’s yours?"

"I accidentally found my birthday gift in the shed, the shed blew over with me in it and I think something hit me..." I rushed through the story skipping certain parts.

"Sounds like Kate's story, a shed fell on top of her." Marcus eyes twinkled with mischief.

"Where is she?" I asked, remembering how Marcus had never introduced anyone by the name Kate.

"Oh she moved to Milo, She apparently didn't like Capri. Every now and then she visits but most people don't come here..." Marcus trailed off. "Our town is very empty. Not many people like Capri our ruler. He likes to model everything in this town after himself. People always want to move out but you have to be drawn from the list. The list comes once a year and with the list comes some type of debt. Maybe someone from another city has to move here or we have more restrictions. Right now we are not allowed to visit our family on the living territory." Marcus quieted down after awhile and I decided it would be best not to ask questions.

"It looks like you know everyone. Feel free to do anything you want." Marcus had back on his stunning smile and I felt as if I might melt at his gaze. I stood there for a second, taking in his perfectly structured face, and slim body.

"I died from a car crash that killed nobody but me." A girl I remembered named Scarlet, said to me as I searched for something to do. "You'll be my roommate because everyone else has one but me." I nodded at her hoping she didn't notice me gazing at Marcus. "How old are you?"

"I died the day before my birthday. I would have been thirteen." Saying it reminded me that I wouldn’t get to blow out my candles on my vanilla cake with pink frosting (a Webber girl family tradition). I also wouldn’t be able to flaunt around school in my new birthday clothes and my shiny new necklace.

"Good news is that here in Heaven you still age and have birthdays. I'll make sure we get you a present." Scarlet nudged me jokingly. I liked the way Scarlet always turned all your bad thoughts to good ones just by saying something. I practically forgot that I wouldn't be spending my birthday surrounded by loved ones. All I could think about was the joy of Heaven.

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