Chapter 16

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The boys get back and starts to changing their soaked cloths into their reserved rooms and bathrooms. 

Jungkook was staying with Tae while Jin was inside the room taking out the bullet from his chest, Jungguk's condition was way worse. He was crying and whimpering for Tae. 

Yoongi was watching his beloved one crying so mercilessly. He was craving to give his companion a hug and told him its gonna be fine. But what he would do? He can't.

Jimin was already there and trying to comforting the maknae. 

Ever since Jungkook saw Tae, He couldn't take it. No matter how strong he looked. His heart was too soft for him. They loved each other. Since very start. It was hard. Jin and  some other male doctor of Yoongi's mafia were inside and its been an hour now. 

'Jungkookie, Tae is gonna be okay. please be strong.' said Jimin. His soft voice ring into Yoongi's ears and he came out of his trance . their cloths are still soaking. Including Yoongi. The cold was getting too much. The weather was still storming high.

'Is he gonna be okay?' Trembling voice of Jungkook travel through the silent room.

'Believe Jin hyung. He will do his best okay.' Jimin's small fingers caressing Jungkook's scalp, but his eyes showing no emotions. Poor, himself don't know what the result could be.

'Jungkook-ah Tae is so brave okay. He'll be fine. Don't you see he is fighting really hard.' Yoongi spoke from their back after standing their for like half an hour now. He walk up to them and sat down in front of Jungkook who was siting on the chair and bending in Jimin's lap. 'He is fighting for you.' Yoongi spoke in rather unknown soft voice.

Jimin glances at Yoongi. He figured out that Yoongi never changed his cloths and there is a scar on his neck and hand which he was resting on the maknae's knee. His face was showing dark emotions and his hairs were all wet and were kept randomly. He forced his eyes to get away from Yoongi and focus on maknae.

'Hyungie, Tae told me he will take me on a date this week.' Jungkook gets  up from Jimin's lap and straight on his sitting position.Sniffing time to time. He looked down at Yoongi and smile a little. Yoongi smiled back.

'Really? then he have to woke up or else I'll beat his ass up.' Yoongi said while chuckling which makes maknae chuckles and Jimin smile a little.

'I believe you, Hyungie.' Jungkook said and smiles widely.

Yoongi glanced at Jimin but soon turn it to maknae. He knew he did his best to make the mood up. 

'C'mon go and change your cloths. You want to be sick while going on the date? hm?' Yoongi said . His voice was deep and nearly in a whisper.

'I will hyung. Stay here until I came back, or else Tae will be alone.' Junkook said while getting up,wiping his tears away.

'He won't be alone hm. Jin hyung is also with him, Jimin is here and I'll stay here too. Happy? Now go.' Yoongi said while standing up and ruffling Jungkook's hairs. 

Jungkook smiles and left.

Yoongi watch him left. He walk closer to the door where there's inside Jin and the doctors were doing the surgery.

'Y-you are worr-ied too.' Jimin spoke after a while ,playing with his fingers above his wet cloths. He don't wanted to stutter but he don't know why it always happens when Yoongi is around.

Yoongi sighs deeply and hums. He was worried sick for Tae. He can't lose him. He was the bestest of his best men. More over, Kookie loved him dearly. Kookie's first love that he was the first one who knew about years ago before kookie confess to Tae.

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