02|| i like it / 나는 그것을 좋아한다

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- "well, this might be fast but.. i like you." he said, his hands shaking. "i like you too. and i like it." you smiled, staring into his eyes. "so um.." hanyu tried to break the ice after a moment of staring with the purple night, under the stars.
- "do you perhaps.. want to go into the apartment already?" you thought for a moment before answering, "what makes you think i want to go back already?" you asked with a soft smile on your face. "well- um- because-" hanyu said, stuttering his words out.
- you cut him off, "it's too early to go back in! let's stay together longer. i still want this moment to last."

purple night || jia hanyu Where stories live. Discover now