Chapter Three: Suna Secret Talent

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At Konoha school, all students and teachers seem to be silent, the school gymnasium was in a bad state -after being destroyed by snake Jin- mister Fox the school director suspends all gymnastics activity. They have called the police, where they arrived and tried to investigate the destroy gym but in the end, will come empty-handed since they don't know how the gym was destroyed. There were no cameras, and students couldn't remember that the Yuchu sisters and their friends were there. Having lost their memories of what happened.

During class Hoshira, Akira, Yumi, Kasaima and Suna sat at their usual desk and continue their study but they all seem to ignore Naruto and company, since Ame, Tomomi, Uteki, Tsuki and Taiyo explain the history to the girls. None of them wanted to hear or speak to them, but for Suna, it seems to intrigue her. What she kept in her mind was when she heard that each of them has a talent of their power, she vaguely remembers when she attacks snake Jin and turns him into dust. *Is it my talent? Dust? But what are Akira, Yumi, Kasaima, and Hoshira's talents? * Suna thought curiously, without realizing Gaara seems to stare at Suna, fixated on her, when she felt someone was staring at her, she turns on her right and stares back at Gaara.

Where he turn his head and look at the board where Kakashi was writing down of the 20th century. She lifts an eyebrow and seems intrigued by Gaara, plus she felt like it happened before, like a déjà vu. *Maybe I look a lot like someone that he misses ...wait a minute...since when am I thinking about him!*

Suna felt her cheeks burning up realizing that she is blushing, Hoshira and Akira look at Suna worried. "You okay?" Whisper Hoshira, Suna smile and nod her head. "I'm okay, don't worry." While class continues, Suna had one thought, she wants to know of her past before she was a ninja.

After class the sisters decide to eat on the roof, Suna told them that she'll come later and lie she needs to go to the bathroom when her sisters left, Suna dash out of class and catch up to Naruto and friends.

"Hi, listen before I rejoin my sisters, I would like you all to come and join us on the roof." Before they can open their mouth, Suna left, where they stare at each other. "Is it wise? I mean, they are mad and they don't want to talk to us." Lucy said with worry, Gaara stare at Suna going up the stairs and smirk. "I think it is a good idea to eat with them." He let out, surprising everyone he rolls his eyes at how slow they are and join Suna on the roof, letting the others following him as well. "Hey...wait up." Cried out Naruto.

When Suna rejoin her sisters, they stare at her with shock in their eyes, because behind Suna stood Gaara and friends. Hoshira gave a hard glare at them. "What are you doing here?" Akira asks with venom in her words, some look down a bit hurt while others gave them an annoyed look. "She invited us." Gaara point at Suna, where she rubbed her shoulder nervously, Hoshira and her sisters -except Suna- glare at them, before Hoshira can respond Suna cut her off.

"Wait, at least let them eat with us...they don't know how our world works, and they probably don't have a clue about how to eat properly..." Hoshira closes her eyes and groan, Yumi thought for a moment sensing that Suna had a point, Kasaima crosses her arms glaring at them not like to wait for food, while Akira's lets out a 'tsk' and sat down.

"They can eat with us..." Hoshira let out, where Suna cheer on the inside. Hoshira facepalm but sat down, where they made a large circle and eat quietly, Suna sat next to Gaara and Naruto. Her sisters sat next to each other, not wanting to talk with Naruto and friends, Suna gave a sad look but glance at Naruto and Gaara. They seem a bit happy to talk to each other and let out a few laughter or two, Suna then asks Naruto a question that's been eating her mind since last night. "By curiosity, what are we like? I mean in your world?" Naruto stops smiling and staring at the ground, his eyes were sad. "Well, you guys where an exceptional group, I mean it was rare for five girls to work together but rarer to see you five being strong." Naruto explains looking at the sky, Gaara clenches his fist not wanting to remember the time where they died.

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