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"I wanna try burning the kitchen" Hyejin said while eating the food Hansol made, also making Taeyong choke "We can burn them together you know" Mark offered smiling "No one's gonna burn my kitchen, if you want to burn the kitchen then I'll find you abandoned place and you can burn the kitchen"

Just when they were eating peacefully the dreamies came in shouting and yelling disturbing their quiet atmosphere "WE'RE HOOOMEE" Chenle screamed at the top of his lungs making everyone cover their ears

Kun and Taeyong sighed probably thinking about their life decisions "Stop shouting and come eat" Hansol said shaking his head making them food. After eating dinner they all went up to their rooms and some of them in the living room to play

Hyejin quickly made her way to the living room where the dreamies were about to play Mario kart. Sitting between Jisung and Chenle she took out the note and showed it to them "Tell your girlfriends that I'm your sister so don't worry I'm not gonna do anything to you"

Dreamies were confused since when did the youngest two were dating? "You guys are dating someone and didn't tell us?" Renjun asked in disbelief Haechan agreed with Renjun "We also don't know what's happening. Since when did I have a girlfriend?"

Hyejin was confused furrowing her eyebrows she looked at the note then back at the two so Jisung read the note carefully and he scoffed "Are they threatening you? Don't worry about them you have us so you're not gonna die and we're not dating" Jisung answered as Chenle took the note

"Yeah, it's those two annoying brats. Since when did I become Biyu's and Jisung Mirae's, if they lay a finger on you tell us ok? We'll take care of her" Chenle said taking the controller getting ready to play.

"Have I seen them before?" Jisung thought for a moment before answering "Mirae's popular for her rude behavior and Biyu is her best friend, their photo is everywhere in the school. They are part of the cheerleading team" she then remembered that she saw them before.

Someone came to the house catching Hyejin's attention "Baby" he said and Hyejin ran towards Ten and hugged him tight "What took you so long?" she whined "I had to go to Thai for an important mission. I brought you something delicious" he said as he took out bento squid from his bag Hyejin happily jumped and hugged Ten once more before sprinting to her room

Ten's face became serious and he went to Taeyong's office. "You're back?" Taeyong asked fixing his glasses "Yes, and I have a clue about the gang who attacked our main base" he answered handing Taeyong a file about the clues the gang left

Opening the file Taeyong carefully scanned the pictures and compared them with the clues the gang left, it was the same so it meant one thing Ten read his mind and answered the question "Yes, he's still alive"

He got out of his office and called all of the members for an emergency meeting. All of the members made their way to their leader's room and Taeyong showed them the two pictures compared in a big display

The members gasped seeing it looking at Taeyong with wide eyes "We have to protect Hyejin so Yangyang make sure to inform me everything she does and everywhere she goes, Jisung since you're the ace you better protect her and for the rest of you, keep an eye on everything that seems suspicious and everyone she interacts"

The members nodded "And Doyoung find me every information about the workers in Hyejin's college" he said lastly before dismissing the members but Taeil and Johnny stayed back "Don't you think it's good to send her back to China?" Johnny asked as the members left

"I don't know I missed her so much and I even made her leave her boyfriend to do a long distance and brought her back to Korea so, for now, let's just double our security for Hyejin or we can move to the main building and call everyone. Btw where is Jaehyun?" he asked remembering he didn't see Jaehyun earlier

"He has a night shift today so he's at the hospital" Johnny answered and suddenly Doyoung came in making them look at him "I informed everyone and they said it's best if we move back to the main building" he said showing the messages he received from the others

"I'll discuss it with them tomorrow so tell the leaders to be ready at 11 am tomorrow at the main building and also be sure to check Hyejin's school's security camera" he said then the two nodded walking out of the office

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