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𝑫𝒂𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒊 𝑷𝑶𝑽

I ran through the streets of Miyagi, gun in hand. I was chasing an orange-haired boy who had just knocked out another officer. To be honest, when you first look at him, he doesn't look scary at all. But, after what he did to that officer I wouldn't be surprised if he had murdered someone.

He ran through an alleyway and turned a corner. As I rounded the corner myself I felt a sharp pain to my head. The last thing I saw before I passed out was a man with a head of raven hair saying,

"Sweet dreams, officer."


I wake up tied tightly to a chair, and I had a terrible headache. I look up to see the raven-haired man and a extremely tall blonde talking in hushed tones. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but soon they realized I was awake.

"Welcome back sleeping beauty," said the raven-haired man. I had never seen these two people before in the police records. They must be with some larger group and not just petty thugs.

"How long have I been out?" I said. My voice was hoarse, like if it had not been used for a couple days.

The blonde responded with, "Why waste time with such trivial questions? The boss wants to see you. We shouldn't keep him waiting."


The blond left to go do who knows what. The raven-haired man untied my feet but left my hands tied.

"Follow me, and don't try anything funny. Escape is impossible," he said, glaring at me.

I guess I had no choice. If I want to stay alive another day in this place I would have to be the best hostage in the history of hostages.

"Excuse me, but what is your name?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

He turned around and glared at me, he was definitely not the nicest person I had ever met.

"You can call me Tobio. Not Tobs, not Tobi-chan. Just Tobio." At this point he was seething.

He led me to a sort of guest bedroom. It had a bed, dresser and a bathroom, but no windows. Now I know what he meant by escape was impossible.

"Make yourself look presentable. The boss hates it when people look shabby. His meeting with you is in 20 minutes. Your outfit is on the bathroom counter." Tobio said.

As I walked into the bedroom he closed and locked the door. 

'Guess I better get changed.' I thought, crossing the room to the bathroom.

As I walked into the bathroom, I know what he meant by making myself look presentable. I had dried blood on my face and hair. I had purple rings under my eyes that could pass for bruises. As I washed my face and hair, I looked to see what my outfit was. It was a white button up shirt with a gray tie and vest. It also had gray pants and brown dress shoes.

"They must be rich as hell," I mumbled.

I put on my clothes and went back to the door and knocked to let Tobio know I was done. He unlocked the door and said,

"Now we have a few rules when it comes to meeting the boss. One, don't comment on his looks. We've lost to many people to that mistake. Two, refer to him as sir. And the last one, never, under any circumstances, bring up his love life."

"Yes sir," I replied.

As he led me through the building, I couldn't help but notice how many twists and turns there were. I would surely have gotten lost if Tobio wasn't there to guide me. Soon we came upon a large oak door with steel accents.

I took a deep breath and Tobio opened the door. Inside were about 10 people with varying looks and heights. They were all in groups of 2 or 3 and talking quietly. Only one of them was in a chair, so I assumed he was the boss. Everyone was wearing the same outfit I was wearing, except the tie color changed. I assumed this was to show what job they have, but I could be wrong. When I walked in everyone stopped talking. It was unnerving to say the least. Tobio was the first to talk.

"This is Officer Sawamura. We captured him four days ago."

The man in the chair nodded.

Tobio went to join the orange-haired boy that got me into this mess in the first place. Now I put all my attention on the boss. He had short silver hair and hazel eyes. He seemed familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. He looked about my age, maybe a year older.

"Welcome to Karasuno manor," he said, putting his chin in his hand.

'Oh no.' I thought. I had heard about this group. They were a part of the Japanese mafia. Also known as the Yakuza, they had been giving the authority's trouble for as long as anyone can remember. 'I'm in deep trouble.'

"You're the first cop we've been able to catch in quite some time. That makes you special." His voice has an angelic quality to it. I was sure I had met him somewhere before, but where?

"You will be staying with us for the time being, think of yourself as our guest."

After that sentence, he smiled. Now I knew who he was.



Holy crap. First chapter down! WHOOO :)

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