1 - introduction

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winter has the same routine every day. wake up, school, get trashed, go to sleep. one of the most important ones was getting trashed. winter would drink and pop all sorts of different drugs in her mouth yearning to feel something.

one of the least important to her was school. it got to the point where she would just skip it all together or just smoke spliff in the washrooms. she just got tired of the lectures, teachers, and the ignorant wankers who would always ask her if "winter was her favorite season?" she'd heard that her whole life.

at home winter's life wasn't any better. her mother drowned her sorrows with alcohol all day. her parents had split up many years ago and that had sent her mother into a spiraling depression she was never able to recover from. her father had a new family and didn't think twice about winter or her mother.

winter had dark brown hair and sparkling blue eyes. she's intelligent in every way possible. she's average height and skinny. some twats at her school had made up rumors that she was anorexic but that wasn't the case at all. winter just didn't like the idea or the point of eating.

winter never talked therefore she didn't really have friends. all the girls in her school have slept with about everyone so every boys absolute prize shag was winter. to everyone she was untouchable. many wankers tried and failed. you see, they were coming on about it the wrong way. many boys brought her flowers and gifts when all she really wanted was some numbing drugs.

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