Chapter 2

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Keegan was now sixty-four, a vampire hunter and world famous writer.

Go figure.

Life was pretty good. Her dad had been cured from his vampireness by dude named Jim. Jim was a dark, mysterious and handsome young man who all the girls liked. Including Keegans husband which really pissed her off. But she punched him in the face and he soon got better. It was on her sixty-fifth birthday that it happened... He came in.

"Edward Somethingorrather!!!!" She shouted.

As he walked into the room it brought back all types of memorys from the first chapter ... And then he got taken down by sercurity.

"NO!" She cried.

"NO" Her husband cried. "I LOVE HIM!!!!"

"Wait what?" She said.

And he then ran into a wall.

"NO MIKE!!!!" Shouted Edward just a he hit the wall.

"What about me?" Asked Keggan.

"Who?" Repiled Edward.

"Me!" shouted Keggan.

"oh you." Said Edward in a slucky voice.

Mr. Zorggy here sorry that i haven't updated recently but i kind of deleted my entire novel so i had 2 start from scratch.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Mr. Zorggy.

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