Chapter 3

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Orange and yellow flames danced in the twilight as I walked toward my cabin. The musky scent of burning wood and pine needles permeated the air.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Bobbi's eyes went straight to my chest.

I looked down at Holt's hoodie, still wrapped around my body.

"Where were you? You were gone for almost two hours." Gwen scowled, launching into a lecture. "I was getting worried. I was going to call you on your cell soon and make sure you were okay."

"I'm fine. Everything's fine." Tears threatened to spill forth any second.

"You are not fine."

I wiped a tear from the corner of my eye, fiddling with the zipper on Holt's sweater.

Gwen knelt in front of me and looked up into my face. Her voice softened. "What happened? What did he do to you?"

"And why are you wearing his hoodie?" Bobbi asked.

"I was cold and he loaned it to me."

"I'm confused," Jessica said. "You were gone with Holt for two hours, and you came back wearing his clothes. But you're clearly upset. What are we missing?"

"He wants me to do him a favour."

They stared at me in quiet anticipation, the silence punctuated only by the sounds of the crackling fire.

"He asked me to have his baby." I chewed on my lower lip as I watched their reactions.

Gwen narrowed her eyes, her mouth set in a hard line. "I'm pretty sure that did not happen."

"Have you been drinking?" Jessica asked with a confused grin.

Bobbi studied me for a minute before a wide smile spread across her face. She howled with laughter. "You're fucking with us!"

"I wish I was."

Jessica threw her hands up in the air. "C'mon. Why would some guy randomly come along and ask you to have his baby?"

After I finished telling the story about Holt's sister, nobody said a word. I studied their faces, looking for feedback.

"I think it is a bad idea." Gwen shook her head. "You would be throwing your life away."

"Yeah. I don't know, Kari. I don't think I would do it. Sorry." Jessica smiled apologetically.

"What about his sister? She might die if they can't find a match."

"That ain't your problem," Bobbi said. "But that's a lot of coin. You'd never have to worry about money again. You'd be set."

"You think I should do it, Bobbi?"

"I dunno. Maybe. You like him. This might be your chance to get together with him."

"What about the baby? How is it going to feel when it finds out why it was born?" Gwen asked.

"What about all the people who are accidents? Do you think they give a shit?" Bobbi folded her arms and glared at Gwen. Bobbi and Gwen didn't agree on many things.

Long after my friends went to sleep, I laid on my back and stared at the log ceiling. Did I want to become a mother at nineteen? Not really. I had lots of things that I planned to do before I had children. After culinary school, I wanted to travel the world and explore different cuisines. Then I would work for a famous chef until I was ready to open my own restaurant.

My plans carried a hefty price tag. I would have to work long hours to save enough money to accomplish my goals. This could be my big break. My chance to get a head start in life. But at what cost?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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