Unleashed The Amazons (Kamen Rider Amazons X Arknights)
Set in the Planet Terra, a dystopian future where natural disasters occurred by the Catastrophes, inhabited by humanoid races with animal traits. A new danger of organism lifeforms called the Amazons arrived to wreck havoc and chaos. When all hope is lost until a hero fight against the threat in Planet Terra.
• (Velios) is a human/amazon hybrid created from the research project called "Amazon Experiment" and user of Kamen Rider Amazon Omega. Velios went into a comatose states when the military raided the research facility to destroy him after he was deemed a threat to humanity.
Kamen Rider Crossover Stories Ideas
FanfictionA book of upcoming stories about Kamen Rider Crossover and will vote on what crossover you want to see next. [Disclaimer] All images, videos, and music belongs to their respective owners.