9. Messages and competition

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Y/n sat at her desk her teachers lecture muffling out as the events of yesterday looped in her mind. While she fought with her thoughts she failed to notice the two pairs of eyes watching her. Kirishima was waiting in anticipation for lunch to see if y/n was still ignoring him. She didn't answer any of his texts from last night or this morning. Meanwhile a certain dirty blonde decided to act on his feelings for y/n, after he told kirishima how he felt about her.

The bell rang and it was finally time for lunch, Mina and jiro were chatting with y/n as she packed up her stuff. She waved them off to go ahead of her because she needed to do something, in reality she just needed some time to herself to think.

Both kirishima and kaminari got up from their seats and began walking over to her, they both smiled and said "Y/n"

She turned around in confusion, the two boys looked at each other silently challenging each other.


Messages and competition

"Uh do you guys need something?" She sighed and turned to fully face them.

"Oh uh actually y/n I wanted to maybe eat lunch with you, alone" kaminari smiled and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Why?" She narrowed her eyes at him, why would he want to eat alone with her unless he wanted something?

"I just- we never hang out, and maybe I thought you could help me with...advice! Yeah I need advice!" He grinned and kirishima looked down thinking of something to keep her from agreeing.

"Hm, uh okay. And kirishima did you need something?" She said turning to the black haired boy.

"Uh, well I wanted to talk to you too!" He stammered.

"Okay well I'm just gonna eat lunch with kaminari and we can talk later" she sighed and grabbed kaminari's wrist pulling him to lunch, the truth was she wanted some space from kirishima to get her thoughts and feelings in order.


Y/n and kaminari sat on the roof of building, he turned to look at her and admired her features for a moment before speaking.

"So there's this..girl that I like" he started and she turned to him with a goofy smirk on her face.

"I didn't know you had a crush Kami" she nudged his arm.

"I haven't told anyone, but I just need to know what I should do, what would get you to like a guy?" He sighed.

"Hm, well I guess the type of guy a girl would want is someone who's sweet, and thinks about you. Like if he sees something she may want on a random day and gives it to her. someone who makes you laugh, and smile. And even the thought of them makes you giddy and ready to see them"

"Hm, that is the ideal boyfriend. I guess I'm fresh out of luck" he laughed.

"Aw don't say that kaminari, even if girls want all that they should also like you for you. You're a great guy and I hope it goes well with the girl you like" y/n smiled and rested her hand on his shoulder.

He smiled and looked at her, but her eyes were glued in front of her at the sky. She turned her head and noticed him staring at her and they held eye contact, she felt awkward and was about to turn away but before she could he lifted his hand and softly held her chin keeping her looking at him.

"Um kaminari?" She mumbled.

"You're eyes are really pretty y/n" he smiled and let go of her face.

She frowned, was he trying to make a pass at her or something. She started to feel uncomfortable and got up from her spot.

"I think lunch is gonna end soon so I'm gonna go" she said starting to walk awkwardly to the door.

"Oh um okay" he frowned feeling her discomfort as she left.


"Y/n!" Kirishima yelled as the h/c girl walked out of the school gates, he ran over to her.

"I'm coming with you to go to bore, I don't think it's safe for you to go alone" he sighed.

"Didn't I say I can handle myself? You don't have to go with me, you'll just hold me back" she scoffed and continued walking.

"Well I'm not taking no for an answer!"

"Well I'm not taking YOU on MY bike!"

She started walking ahead and he stayed behind her formulating a plan to somehow follow her without her noticing him. And the most perfect idea popped into his head, but it would take a lot of begging. So the former red head made his way to his best friends house.

"Why the fuck are you here?" Bakugo grumbled leaning against the door frame.

"I need a ride! Please please please, bakugo I'll do anything just this once I need a ride. And you're the only person I know who can drive" kirishima begged.

"Fine fine just stop groveling, and you owe me one" he sighed.

The duo got into the car and started driving out of the drive way.

"Where do you want to go anyway?"

"I just need you to go to y/n's house it's nearby, then follow her motorcycle"

"what the fuck, you stalkin her or somethin?"

"No, I just need to make sure she doesn't get her cute self killed" kirishima sighed and they pulled up to her house far away enough to not look suspicious.

They waited for a bit and eventually saw her walk out of her house and hop onto the bike, struggling to rev it up.

"Since when does this chick have a motorcycle?" Bakugo mumbled.

She started riding down the road and then followed behind her.

"Hey can you at least give me some insight to what's going on since I'm your god damn get away driver"

"I cant exactly tell you everything, but y/n needs information about something and she's going to a very sketchy place to get it. Last time we were there we were bothered by some drunk guys, if she goes alone god knows what could happen" kirishima ran his fingers through his hair anxiety filling in the pit of his stomach.

"Alright, I get it. She's got you wrapped around her finger"

They finally made it, a few blocks away from the ramen shop where they had parked last time. Bakugo and kirishima got out of the car and followed a good distance behind her.

"I know you said you can take care of yourself, but I couldn't help myself. I have to see with my own eyes that you're okay, and then I'll have peace of mind"

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