Real Life.

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The next morning at Victoria's brownstone, I put the pancakes infront of her as she giggles and grabs it.
"She needs a fork Brooklyn.
"Mom, she is fine." I look back at Victoria.
"She is going to be covered. And will need a bath."
"Mother, please just let me enjoy this morning with my kids."
Victoria walks around holding her coffee. "You need to take them more often."
"I can't and you know that."
"Morning!" Boone Blackwood walks in as the little boy jumps up.
"Uncle Boone!"
The toddler runs over to him jumping into his arms.
Boone picks him up as he hugs him, "Morning sis."
"Hey Boone." I look back at him.
Victoria glares between the two of us. "Really? You two are gonna do this?"
"Oh don't worry about things Mom. She can apologize later."
"I can do what later?" I look up at him confused and pissed.
Boone kisses Easton on the cheek, "I need to get back to work anyways. I will see you tonight for dinner Mom." He walks over kissing her cheek.
Victoria looks over at me, "When was the last time you two talked?"
"Christmas, maybe."
"Really? Seven months?"
"Mom, he blames Chris for everything."
"Well damn, how shocking is that when you do too."
I groan at her as my phone goes off.
"Do you need to leave?" Victoria snorts back at me.
The little girl looks up at me with her big blue eyes that match his. "Momma, are you leaving?"
I lean over kissing her cheek, "I gotta go to work Aurora."
Aurora stands up to hug me, "Come home tonight momma!"
I hug her back, "I will baby."
"Don't make that promise if you aren't going to stand by it."
I glare back at her. "I am coming home tonight. I promise."
Victoria narrows her eyes back at me as I grab my bag moving out of the brownstone.
"Hey, have you talked to Harlow?" Andy asks me.
I shake my head, "Not really, she left last night for what I thought was a booty call and I have been at mom's. Andy wants going on?"
"She is with him."
"Him who?" I ask walking over to my car.
My stomach flips as I hear it.
"I have a meeting." I mumble as I end the call.

Back in midtown, Harlow sits in his bed running her finger over the coffee cup as he walks out of the bathroom.
Chris rubs his face walking over to the bed, "How are you feeling?"
"I hate him."
"Well no shit Harlow. The dude is a complete dick." He sits down next to her.
"He promised that things would get better. That this would be a great start."
Chris looks over at her, "You believed that?"
"As much as I believe that Aspen is the reason you and Brooke split up."
Chris clears his throat, "One problem at a time Harlow."
She turns to him, "You really haven't talked to her in the past year?"
"I look at her number and I panic and I close my phone."
"Wow, she does the same thing. I have watched her for over an hour just look at your name."
Chris nods his head, "Yea but as you can tell.."
"Neither one of you idiots will try to make things work."
Chris glares at her.
"You know, she doesn't know that we are still friends."
"You kept me a secret?"
Harlow smacks his arm.
Chris laughs back at her as someone knocks on the door. "You know, that's hilarious that we are now the secret."
"Oh god, don't say that."
Chris unlocks the door still laughing at her.
Sebastian walks through the door as he carries the breakfast bag, "The lady downstairs was not happy I was bringing in outside food." He looks over at Harlow as he nods his head then looks back at Chris.
"Their food is way too overpriced and its horrible." Chris hands Harlow a breakfast sandwich as he unwraps his sandwich.
Harlow softly smiles at him as he starts eating.
"Why are you smiling?" Sebastian asks her curious.
Chris looks back at her confused.
"He is eating the same sandwich that she would make him every morning before filming."
Chris swallows as he looks at her, "Maybe I just like this sandwich."
"Did he get hot sauce on it?" Harlow keeps her eyes on Chris.
"Yea." Sebastian mumbles back.
"Nice try. But its her sandwich." Harlow snorts as her phone goes off. "Fuck."
Sebastian glances back at her, "What?"
Harlow unlocks her phone, "Hey Brooke."
"Where are you?" I ask her.
"I went out last night and I stayed at the clubhouse." Harlow looks up at Chris and Sebastian.
"So, you aren't with him?"
"Out of all the people Harlow. I thought you would be the last one to do this to me."
"I ran into him and we just were catching up."
"I have a meeting."
"Brooke!" Harlow yells into the phone as it goes silent.
Chris looks over at her.
"BROOKLYN!" Harlow yells again.
"Maybe it is time you talk to Brooke." Sebastian glances over at Chris. "This has gotten out of hand man."
Chris sits back on the bed. "I don't know what I can do at this point."
"Andy!" Harlow yells into the phone.
Chris narrows his eyes looking at her, "Andy? As in Andrea...."
Harlow slowly looks at him.
"Oh this apparently is getting better."
"Andy, answer your phone."
Chris meets her eyes as his face starts to drop.

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