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2 years ago

    She layed there staring at the ceiling wondering when it would all end. She was tired of impressing others, tired of being on her best behavior just to impress people she didn't even care about. A tear fell from the corner of her eye, making its way down to her jaw, leaving a small wet path behind it.

   She desperately wanted her demons to stop haunting her, stop controlling her. She wondered if it would ever get better, if the feeling of lonliness would ever leave. Her hands clutched her sheets tightly as her body began to shake with her eyes.

   None of this would never even of started if it wern't for him leaving. She longed for him more and more each day, the mere mention of his name made her stiffen. Thinking about him and all the memories they created made her wimper, her body violently shaking as sobbed escaped.

   She looked over at the picture frame sitting on the night stand next to her bed. Quickly grabbing it she studied the picture of him holding her tightly in his arms. The smiles both of their faces claimed and the love in their eyes told you enough about them and their relationship.

   "Why did you leave me?" she whispered gently. "I'd give anything to have you back."

   Slowly sitting up, her stare on the picture grew more intense by the seconds as unwanted memories flooded through her mind. The hospital. His sickness. The funeral. Her knuckles turning white as her grip on the frame tightened. Anger took over her fragile body, as she tried her best to calm herself down, although failing miserably.

   The picture frame flew across the room smashing into tiny pieces once making contact with the hard wall. She quickly stood up and rushed to the mirror staring at her reflection, disguisted with what she saw staring back at her. Bags hung under her eyes, chapped lips stinging once she wet them with her tongue. Raising her fist she aimed at the mirror directly at her face and destroyed that too.

    Falling to the floor, she pulled her knees up to her chest, her body jolting as a piece of glass dug into her side. She ignored the stinging feeling, and the blood that covered her fist and now the floor. Letting the pain claim her small body she layed there in a ball on the hard, cold, tiled floor, not caring about her wounds or the mess she created.

   "Why?" she began to chant, repeating the simple word over and over again as she cried herself to sleep, for what seemed like the fourth time that day. 


A/N- So this is the first part! I know you may be a bit confused but I promise in the very first chapter you will understand a lot more. I'm a bit nervous if I'm being honest to post this, but I'm willing to take the chance and just hope you enjoy my story that I have worked so hard in planning! I will stay anonymous for my personal reasons, but will definitely try my best to post once a week! I am so excited for the journey to come!! Eeeeep enjoy!  -Lexi

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