Chapter One

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   Beep. Beep. Beep. I groaned as I flailed my arm out trying to locate my annoying alarm clock that insisted on irritating me daily. Sighing in content as my hand found the snooze button and the room finally silenced, I closed my eyes to try to get more sleep.

    "CHARLIE!" my mother screeched from the bottom of the stairs. "YOU BETTER BE READY IN TWENTY!"

   Groaning once again I rolled out of bed and sluggishly made my way to my bathroom. Yawning, I turned on the shower and stripped from my clothes, waiting for the water to warm up. Hopping in once I was content with the temperature, I allowed the hot water and steam surround my shivering body. Gripping my shampoo bottle I squeezed some shampoo in my hand and began lathering my hair with it.

   Humming softly I rinsed out my hair and quickly finished my shower. I not so gracefully stepped out of the shower, somehow managing to wrap a towel around my wet body in the process. Whiping some fog off my mirror I grabbed my tooth brush and began brushing my teeth. Once finished I stared at my reflection until a picture tapped at the top right corner caught my eye. I studied the picture as my heart swelled at the memory.

   It was the picture I've had for so long now, the one with Liam holding me in his arms. Unwanted tears filled my eyes as the pain in my chest grew at the thought of him. His scent filled my nose and laugh consumed my ears, surprising me that I could still hear and smell him after all this time.

   Shaking my head and whiping the tear that managed to fall, I headed towards my closet to find a suitable outfit for the day. Deciding on black tights and a simple stripped oversized T-shirt I walked back into my bathroom to put on my makeup. 

   I settled on winged eyeliner and a little mascara, before heading down stairs and into the kitchen. I was greeted with the sight of eggs and toast on the table and my parents leaning against the island drinking their usual cup of coffee. As I made my way to the table my mother eyed me up and down grimacing while in the process.

   "Couldn't you settle for something a little more  nicer Charlotte, we are expecting guests in a little over an hour." my mother complained.

   Sighing quietly I sat down and took a bite of toast before replying, "This is fine mother," 

   "Charlotte, The Boyle's will be here to introduce their son Evan, the one sent to boarding school, Do you remember?"

   Nodding my head I scooped a huge bite of eggs into my mouth before my mother continued, "I'm sure you two will get along great sweetie. You never know you could even become more than friends."

   At this both my dad and I spit out our bite of eggs, chocking slightly I gulped a huge drink of orange juice and bit my tongue from saying something I would regret. Clearing my throat I picked my words carefully before speaking, "That is not necessary mom, I'm not looking for a relationship."

   "Oh Charlotte get over yourself. Ever since that whole nonsense with that Liam character you've been all depressed like. It's about time you get over yourself and him and move on." she hissed.

   My body went rigid at the mention of his name. My blood began boiling as my mind processed her words. My dad cleared his throat before glaring at my mother, "Adelina that's enough."

   "No!" my mother faught back, "It's about the time she heared this-"

   "AS IF I HAVEN'T HEARD IT BEFORE?" I interrupted. "You do not ever speak about him like that again do you hear me?" I growled. I stood up abruptly, causing the chair to jerk back and fall to the ground with a loud thud.

   Making my way upstairs I ran to my room and fell on my bed with a huff, landing straight at my stomach. Tears left my eyes and fell onto my pillow as I tried to stop the memories from taking over.


   "YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" I yelled in my mother's face.

   Her face was red with anger as she huffed out a frusterated breathe, "I am your mother and I can very much so tell you what to do young lady. You will no longer see him and that's final." She spoke calmly, her voice laced with venum.

   Frusterated tears ran down my face as I grew desperate, "But mother, your parents didn't like dad at first either! They didn't even approve until his company finally hit it off. I would at least expect you of all people to understand where I'm coming from. I'm in love with him," I breathed.

   She froze as she took in my words, "You know no such thing of love, Charlie. Especially with that boy. He is no good he will only stop you from your dreams of taking over your fathers business one day."

   "THOSE ARE YOU AND DAD'S DREAMS FOR ME! I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT STUPID BUSINESS!" I screeched. "Please mom understand, he is good for me. He's not as bad as you think. Just give him a chance, please. I am begging you." I pleaded.

   Shaking her head, she pointed towards the stairs. "No and that is final. You will break it off with him Charlotte and don't make me tell you again or so be it." She warned.

   Sighing in defeat I made my way upstairs and prepared myself for what was to come.


    I remember the next day like it was yesterday. When I went to go tell Liam about my parents he tore my world apart with his news. Never did I ever expect things would have ended the way they did. The struggles both of us faced after that was unreal and I still to this day, have no idea how I survived.

    I covered myself up with the small blanket I kept on my bed and allowed my tears to fall freely as I went over moments we shared over and over again. When darkness consumed me, I could not tell you, my last thought being filled with Liam.


I hope this is making more sense now. I have so many plans for this story, and I can't wait to share them with you guys! Obviously this is my first book, so please take it a little easy on me! Anywho, next update will be longer sooooo be ready you Sexy Mofo's! -Lexi


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