Evil Plans and Sarcastic Comments

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Bright had also noticed this, "You can go to sleep baby; I've got you." He proceeded to pick Win up effortlessly and carry him to the boy's bedroom.

Win waved Prim into school happily as he turned around with Bright and walked in the direction of their own school. He loved having his perfect boyfriend by his side every morning.

"Oh Win, I almost forgot" Bright said, pulling his phone from his pocket, "Sorry I didn't meet you yesterday; my phone was dead so I only got your text this morning."

"Oh don't worry." Win said slowly, trying to remember when he'd asked Bright to meet him. "Soo… when exactly did I ask you to meet me again."

"You text me like 4th lesson, yesterday." Bright said with a small laugh in his voice. "You have the memory of a goldfish… I swear it."

Win stared at his boyfriend; he had been acting on a short fuse ever since he was told about Prim being interviewed, so Win chose not to say anything back. Win couldn't have text Bright to meet him, he would have remembered surely? Besides, Win had gym 4th lesson yesterday… he wouldn't have skived off to meet Bright.

He turned his head away and squinted in the pouring sunlight coming from high above them. He checked to see they were definitely out of sight of Prim's school before he held his hand out to join Bright's.

To Win, today had been a pretty unusual day already for reasons he couldn't explain so when he bumped into Nevvy on the way out of history and received an evil grin in reply, he couldn't help thinking something was up.

What was Nevvy bloody planning now? He hadn't spoken to her since the bruises were shown. Win hated that girl so much with her evil plans and sarcastic comments. He had wanted to lash out at her so many times but Win knew he needed to let Nevvy admit to him it was all a lie to get true satisfaction. Now he had to wait…

Bright reclined in his chair, not listening to a word his teacher was saying. It was only Maths… it didn't matter, he didn't even know what the teachers name was. This lesson was for fantasising about Win. Bright had lost count of the amount of times he had to conceal his boner walking out of that classroom.

Glancing up to the clock he saw there was only 10 minutes left of the lesson and until the end of the day. He took out his pen and pulled at the rubber that was concealing his pen knife inside. He took it out without a worry and started scratching Win's name into the table.

Only 10 more minutes and he would be with that beautiful boy. The boy which was hot as hell and dirty to the extreme, but also kind, gentle and made Bright the happiest person alive. Bright couldn't think of how he had managed to land such perfection for his boyfriend.

Boyfriend… the word still seemed strange to Bright. He was still getting used to the familiar pulling feeling in his heart whenever Win walked past. Then Bright's thoughts started to wonder and his fantasies began.

Damn… Win was going to get some tonight.

Bright almost jumped as the bell rang, bringing him back to reality. He got up to go, almost leaving his phone behind. Bright smiled as he saw a new text from Win.

Meet me in the music hall… now. I have something for you.

'Oh god yes.' Bright thought as he shoved his phone into his back pocket, he knew what that meant. He hurried in the direction of the music hall, the same place Win and Bright had their hot detention so long ago.

"Win?" Bright whispered as he pushed the door open to the music hall and stepped inside. He turned to close the door behind him and held out his hand to switch on the light. However, when his hand reached the light switch, there was already another hand there, blocking Bright from turning it on.

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