Chapter 11

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A/N- It makes me actually quite sad that this story is ending. It was something I did for fun and now here we are with a whole story. I really hope yall enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing and take some time to soak in this last part. The ending makes me quite happy so hopefully it does the same for you.


It took you quite a while to get back to work. Hotch insisted you take at least a three week break and he gave Reid two weeks as well. You explained to Hotch that you were together, that's why Reid was there to save you, but it wouldn't affect your work as you had gone countless months before with no issues. Hotch said he already knew. He said when he scolded you in the car for being late he knew why you were.

You spent most of those two weeks laying around. The doctor said you couldn't strain to much and Spencer made sure to hold you to it. You weren't allowed to do much of anything. He did just about everything.

You still weren't allowed back into you apartment. It was considered a crime scene for the first week afterwards. You spent that time at Spence's apartment and neither of you minded it.

Hotch had already explained to you both that Reid's actions were justified and the team stood by him. No one would try to prove that other wise as the man had a gun to another with the intent to shoot.

When your apartment was cleared for you to enter, you didn't know how to feel. You were scared of the memories that would come back.

Spence walked with you to the door but when you got there you stopped and looked at him. "Spence, I don't think I can do this. I'm not ready."

"It's okay, B. I can get the things you need and you can stay at mine for as long as you'd like." He was serious. As he rubbed your shoulder, you managed to stay calm, trying to block out all the memories.

You're not sure how far he thought that offer would extend cause you pretty well moved in with him by the end of week two. You were okay with staying with him, you felt safe. It wasn't until JJ had came to check in on you that something changed.

As soon as you heard the knock on the door, your heart sunk. The apartments were the exact same layout. Even you weren't in the same one, it felt like you were.

Your breathing picked up and you began hyperventilating again. Spence knew it was bad for you after literally having a heart attack so he tried his best to comfort you.

He wrapped his arms around your trembling body and reminded you that he was there. No one could hurt you if he was there. It was just JJ stopping by to see how you were. It didn't take long for you to calm down with him around so he went to get the door, watching you to ensure you were still okay.

When you saw the kind blond woman on the other side of the door frame, you began to relax again. You were so afraid but it was only JJ. You knew she wouldn't hurt you but the memories of the man that would couldn't help but overtake. She walked up to give you a hug, asking the normal questions. How do you feel? Are you okay? Do you need anything?

She didn't stick around long. Just enough to check in on Spencer and you, and to hand deliver the homemade cookies her and Henry made. You smiled to her as she left and Spencer shut the door behind her. As he sat down on the couch next to you, he shifted so he was looking straight at you. You did the same and he picked up your hands in his. He threw out an idea that had always scared you, but right now it kinda sounded nice, "B, do you want to move somewhere? Like away from here?"

"You mean like a house?"

"Yeah, a house for us and our little geniuses to grow up in."

"Spence, I could never afford that."

"Don't worry about money, B. They have loans for a reason. Plus, we're both going back to work soon so we could make it work and I've been saving since I got a job. I always knew I wanted a house to grow old in, not just an apartment."

He heard you sigh before reassuring you. "Y/N, I don't care where we live, I just want to be with you, but it's pretty obvious to me that you don't feel safe here, and it's not fair for you to have to relive that memory everyday."

You looked up at him, "Are you sure? You saw how much of a package I am. Do you really want to raise kids with that? Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with that?"

"Are you really asking that? I want to be with you forever. Your scars and all. They only prove what tried to hurt you didn't win, right?"


You returned to work not much later then you were expected back. Spencer hovered over you like an insane person because he didn't want anything to overwhelm you. Every member of your team had been supportive of Reid and yours relationship. Penelope liked to poke her head into it like you figured she would but everyone was happy for you. They all loved the both of you and supported you if the other is what made you happy.

And Spencer was what made you happy. You never smiled more then when you were with him. He made you feel like the prettiest girl in the room. He loved you for all of you, not just the convenient parts.

About three month after returning to work, you found your dream home. It was an old farmhouse on a nice sized plot of land. It didn't need much work. It had actually been Morgan's most recent project so you had been eyeing it since he bought it to start.

It wasn't exactly what Spencer wanted, he never imagined having this much land but you told him you wanted your kids to grow up in the country, not the city. You told him you wanted them to learn responsibility by taking care of the dogs, horses, and of course, the bees. He just wanted you to be happy and said as long as he has a library in the house, he didn't care. Morgan had to specifically build his library but it was there now and that's all that mattered.

You moved in shortly after buying it, leaving the old person you were behind and walking through another brand new set of doors.

It was only three years into living there that Morgan began building the barn. It wasn't his forté but he said he could do it. You were hell bent on getting the horse you used to take to the tree by the bees out here to live out his days. Spence just wanted you happy so he played along.

Once the barn was built, it felt like home. You had Spencer, the horse you told all your secrets to, and the dog he pretended to hate no matter how much he  truly loved it. He really did love it. You had so many photos of them sleeping together on the couch he swore the dog wasn't allowed on. He just hated to admit that you were right when you said he would like the dog.

They only thing you were missing was the baby geniuses running around. That was until you missed your period by 2 weeks and started feeling a little sick.

You both sat in the bathroom, watching the timer on his phone click down.

3.... 2..... 1....

As you turned over that stick, your whole world changed. All it had was a tiny plus sign, but that small symbol changed your whole world.

As you began building the nursery, you picked out the room upstairs for it. It was right across from the master bedroom. You both loved everything about it, except for the one wall that divided the room in two.

You had a lot of memories with walls dividing things so you never quite liked them. You both decided to tear it down.

Spence stood there with the sledge hammer.

"Ready?" he asked you.

"Go for it!"

He took one swing and barely broke the drywall. You both looked at each other and laughed.

You rolled your eyes at him. "Oh come on, give the hammer to me"

And there you were, ready to start a family with the man you loved, breaking down the last wall that divided you.

And you couldn't have been happier.

The Walls Between Us [ S. R. ]Where stories live. Discover now