I've Seen You Around Here Before Part 1 (Joe Walker)

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"Come on, (y/n)! We have to get going! The show is going to start soon!" Your friend Penny yelled to you from across the apartment you two shared. 

"Coming!" you shouted back. Penny was dragging you to a show that was being put on by the local college. She had a friend who was the female lead. Jamie, you think her name was. She said the show was going to be a comedy about talking genitalia. You thought it was strange, but you tend to have a crude sense of humor and you thought it be best to enjoy yourself. Penny was already upset that you canceled to go see the first musical, A Harry Very Potter something or other. It was a musical parody about Harry Potter. You didn't want to disappoint her again. So you took off work just for her. You exited your bedroom and met her by the front door after grabbing your jacket and bag.

"About fucking time!" She exclaimed dragging you to the car. "This is going to be so fucking amazing! Jamie said after the show we can go back stage and meet everyone else! Oh! I'm so excited!" She was practically jumping out of her seat.

"Penny! Calm down! You're the one driving! At least wait until we get out to full out fan girl!" You laughed. She nodded in agreement.

"You're right. I'm sorry! I'm just so excited! I'm going to meet the rest of Team Starkid!"

"Team Whatnow?" you asked. 

"Team Starkid!" She sighed, "Really, (y/n)? You still haven't learned what they are called?" I just shook my head. The rest of the ride to the theater consisted of Penny talking about the group and you just nodding your head. Sometimes Penny could get really annoying. Once you made it to the theater, you took your seats and waited for the show to begin. Suddenly the lights dimmed and music began to play.

"I wake up in the morning, and it's nothing new" A guys started singing. 

"That's Joey Richter," Penny whispered, "He plays a character named... Well.... Joey Richter." You gave a look and looked at the program. Sure enough, Joey was playing a fictional character of himself. 

"HELLO!" Popped out another character from under the covers of the make shift bed in the middle of the stage. You assumed that was Joey's Dick. The musical went on and you couldn't stop laughing. This was amazing! Now you felt like a loser for not watching the Harry Potter one! After the show ended and everyone was walking out, Penny and yourself headed backstage where Penny was greeted by a hug from whom you assumed was Jamie. After some introductions, Jamie took you both to meet the rest of the cast. You had officially met Joey, Devin, A.J., Brian Holden, and some others. But the last person you were introduced to was Joe Walker. 

"Hey! I'm Joe!" He said and stuck out his hand. 

"(y/n), and I must say I thoroughly enjoyed the show." You smiled and shook his hand. "You look familiar. Have we met before?" You asked.


"Next!" You called out. 

"Yes, can I get a small Caramel Frappe, please?" The man asked.

"Sure thing. Can I have your name?" You asked with a small cup and a marker. The man smiled. 

"You can call me whatever you like sweet cheeks." He smirked. You groaned and wrote something on the cup. 

"That'll 3.78, please." You waited annoyingly. He handed you the money and waited for his drink. After a few minutes, you came back with his drink. "Here you go!" You forced a smile. He just winked and said thanks. He walked out. When he looked at the cup it said 'That line was absolutely pathetic. Come back when you can act like a gentleman, asshole.' He groaned and walked away, throwing the cup in the trash.


"Oh! I remember you! You're the girl who called me an asshole!" He yelled, gaining the attention of everyone in the room.

"So, you're the reason Walker was such a mess that day!?" Holden said laughing. You looked at everyone confused. 

"I asked for his name and he said I could call him anything I wanted. So I called him an asshole, trying to flirt with me while I'm at work. Disgusting." You said. Joe looked annoyed. He was.... kinda hot, if you were being honest with yourself. He then leaned down next to you. 

"Meet me outside in ten minutes." Then he walked away. What the fuck was that all about? After ten minutes you walked outside. "Joe?" You called out. Suddenly, you were pressed against the wall with a hand over your mouth.

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