43| midnight interruption

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I had just finished getting ready for bed and about to slide underneath my covers when I saw a figure outside of my window.

I was so startled that I felt a shout at the beginning of my throat but when I saw the familiar dark hair and the flash of silver, everything inside of my relaxed apart from the thump of my heart which had amplified in fervour.

What was he doing here?

I made my way to the window and pulled it up, letting my guest come into the room.

I hadn't even heard the rain but he was soaked, wetting my carpets.

When he wandered into the middle of my room, I faced away from him to close the window that was letting the chill in.

"When you said you'd see me soon, I didn't realise it would be this soon. How did you even get in here?" I asked him.

Before he could answer, he turned me so I was facing him and pushed me against the window, locking his lips instantly onto mine instantly.

The lust quickly replaced the shock and I was quick to start moving my lips against him, enjoying this sudden attack.

I brought my hands up to his hair, enjoying the wet strands that alongside his velvet tongue, played with my senses. I could feel his hard body that was soaking my clothes thanks to the rain, sandwiched between the cool of the window and his clothes as the heat came from the middle, from me.

When he pulled away, I stared at him in a daze, not knowing what had come over him but thankful that it did.

He just smirked at me with a fire in his eyes and my heart flopped in my chest at his stare.

"It's not too hard to climb up here," he murmured with that alluring voice of his, pulling me closer to him.

When we were standing close to each other again so that I could feel the wet of his clothes, a chill took over my bare arms and legs that my little sleep shorts did not cover, only now realising how cold I had been.

"If you're planning on staying, take off your clothes; I'm cold," I told him with serious eyes, uncomfortable with the wetness of his clothes and hoping that he was staying.

All he did was smile briefly again before walking to my bed and starting to take his jeans off, not even hesitating. Okay, so he was staying.

I quickly turned to the window to make sure that it was closed for sure, goose bumps invading my skin at this situation.

When I gathered the courage to turn back around, he was sitting on my bed with only his boxers and his white t-shirt on with every other item of clothing lumped on the floor.

And despite me being the one to have told him to take his clothes off, I was thrilled but also slightly regretting my words.

When he took off his top, I forced myself to not look as I took all the clothes from his grip and to walk into the ensuite bathroom, dumping all the clothes on a hangar where they would dry.

I walked back into the room, excited and saw that Dorran was in exactly the same position, watching me walk in with an undeniable intensity in his eyes.

Liking this almost playful side to him where he didn't hide how he was feeling, I walked over to him, not able to control myself until I was standing right in between his legs as he sat on the bed.

I put my hands on his shoulders, his broad shoulders, now looking down at his body for the first time.

His shoulders broad, his profile sharp and his muscled stomach and arms looked even the stronger from this angle.

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