The Portal

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Meanwhile that night, Wani and Tresillo were going on a moonlit walk in the woods (because I ship them) for one good reason. The K Pop gang kept on teasing them so they decided to go somewhere they couldn't be seen. Then they saw Poppy with some Techno Troll they didn't recognize and decided to follow them to see what was up. They hid behind the bushes after seeing the portal that was down the trail. Then they heard someone behind them.

???: Watcha lookin at?

Wanillo: AAAAAH!!!! *tresillo punches him in the face*


Tresillo: Branch! Keep your voice down! And also, what are you doing here?

Branch: Following those two.

Wani: Hey What are they up to anyway?

Branch: That's some stupid portal to where Amazon is from and also she's not from here and there's a multiverse with different worlds and fandoms and stuff like that so yeah they're going to a dragon fandom about war and stuff.



Amazon: You sure you wanna do this?

Poppy: Yeah!

Amazon: What happened to the whole gore thing?

Poppy: Well, maybe the others are right and the whole thing is exaggerated. Maybe. But like you said, you guys are at peace now, right?

Amazon: Yup! So we should be good to go!

Poppy: All right, let's do this!

Back uphill...

Trollex and Barb were uphill looking down at Branch, Wani and Tresillo.

Trollex: You know, what? I ship Wanillo.

Barb: Ugh, ships! Why the heck would Amazon ship us two?! Like seriously we have nothing in common.

Trollex: Yeah, you're all stubborn and pull mean pranks on people.

Barb: Yeah, and you're all stubborn and pull mean pranks on me!


Trollex: Wait, we'd both do anything to protect our tribe.

Barb: And we both would stick up for our music and how it's the best genre.

Trollex: Yes. But most importantly we both like to....

Barbllex: PICK ON BRANCH!!!! 😳😳😳 think we may have yelled too loud.

Trollex: Why?


Delta was indeed n front of a buffalo charging at them with hickory on its head screaming and d and cooper hanging onto the horns. Trollex and Barb started screaming too and started to run. Meanwhile Poppy found Branch and Wanillo and was scolding them when Barbllex crashed into them along with Delta and the buffalo crashed sending the three trolls on its head into the portal. And everything was empty. And silent. And the portal was gone. And the buffalo started to eat some grass.

A few minutes ago with Delta...Delta had decided to spy on the trolls with her friends' Buffalo because they were out of town for the night. Hickory decided to help out, but when Delta somehow found out that they were having a sleepover, she and Hickory decided to check on them. Then after the four trolls snuck out, she was steaming mad, and stomped a hoof on the buffalo's tail, waking up Prince D and Cooper. They came out the window, only to get rammed into by the Buffalo with Delta in front trying to stop them and Hickory on top with the twins. Then they rammed into the missing trolls, Wani, and Tresillo, and into the portal. And everything went black.

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