(Ralof) 2. Helgen Keep

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{ You have chosen to follow Ralof. Congrats, you wild Nord you. }

Once you and Ralof were safe, you took a moment to rest, propping your hands on your knees and your chest heaving with each heavy breath you took. While you were taking a breather, Ralof was knelt next to a fallen Stormcloak.

Ralof solemnly closed the dead soldier's eyes,"We'll meet in Sovngarde, brother."

You both had a moment of respectful silence, your eyes cast down to your feet. You began to think about all of your other kin who have fallen at the claws of this monster. Did some of them survive? Was the Jarl okay? Ralof stood and turned to you.

"Looks like we're the only ones who made it..." he sighed,"That thing was a dragon, no doubt. Just like from the children's tales! The Harbingers of The End Times..."

You looked at him with a bewildered look, not knowing what to say, may it be exhaustion or fear, you didn't know. Ralof scratched his cheek and pulled out the ax at his side.

"Come here, let me see if I can get those bindings off of you."

You walked forward and held out your wrists. He took your burning cuffs into his rough hands, sawing away the restraints.

You rubbed your wrists, cringing at the stinging sensation,"Thanks."

"There, might as well take Gunjar's gear, he won't be needing it anymore." he said, gesturing to the corpse lying at your feet.

You nodded, kneeling down to carefully and awkwardly peel the cuirass off the soldier. Once the soldier was stripped of his clothing, you began undressing. You looked up at Ralof, who was staring off into the distance like he was thinking.

"Er, do you mind?" you asked sheepishly.

"O-Oh, of course, my apologies." Ralof blushed, turning around to give you your privacy.

Once you were dressed, you pried the ax out of Gunjar's fingers, who had a surprisingly strong grip for a dead man.

"Done." you said, swinging the ax about.

It somehow felt natural, swinging a weapon. The way your arm flowed with each swing felt right.

"Alright, let's see if this door opens." Ralof replied, walking up to the gate.

You holstered your weapon on your fur belt, following Ralof to the door. He gave the handle a few tugs, then inspected the lock.

"Hm, its locked...doesn't look like it could be picked, either." he rubbed his chin.

You looked at the gate on the other side,"What about that one?"

"Hm?" he followed your gaze,"Ah, of course."

You both walked over to it, but there was no handle or anything to open it with.

Ralof cursed,"Looks like it has to be opened from the other side..."

Suddenly, the clanking of armor and the slapping of boots against concrete was heard. A familiar bossy voice rang out.

"Let's move it!"

Ralof squatted down,"Its the Imperials! Take cover!"

You nodded and flattened yourself against the wall next to the door, with Ralof on the other side.

"Get this gate open, soldier!" the captain ordered.

The soldier nodded and pulled a chain on the other side, making the gate slide open. The captain stepped forward.

Ralof jumped out and quickly slashed the captain's side, making her cry out and clutch the gushing wound. You advanced towards the remaining soldier and swung your ax down on his sword, your weapons clashing together.

"You think you can take me?!" he sneered, hooking his leg around yours and yanking hard enough to make you fall.

The soldier took advantage of this and plunged his sword towards you. You held fast,  though, and brought your ax up just in time to block his attack. While the Imperial was distracted, Ralof had snuck up behind him and brought his ax down upon his shoulder. The soldier cried out in pain, blood welling up in the corner of his mouth. You then kicked the Imperial to the ground and plunged his sword into his gut.

He gurgled, then died. You panted, straightening up quickly. Ralof walked over and pat your shoulder.

"You handle yourself well! Though watch out for that leg maneuver, they can really take you by surprise." he smiled.

You chuckled, leaning down to pull Ralof's ax out of the dead Imperial's shoulder. You handed the weapon to him and picked up your own.

"Thanks, see if you can find a key to the door on either of 'em." Ralof said, pointing to the dead Imperials on the floor.

You nodded, feeling very disrespectful searching through dead bodies, even if they were the bad people. You finally found a key on the Captain, and a few gold coins on the soldier. You opened the door and followed Ralof through the corridors.

You made your way down the corridors, the air getting stuffier and cold by the minute. You made it to the bottom of the stairs and found yourself in a hallway. You saw two figures at the end of the hall, and you realized they were more Imperials. You began to pull out your weapon, but then promptly interrupted by the ground shaking under you, and several boulders fell from the ceiling and crushed the two soldiers. Well, that makes things easier for you.

"Damn, that dragon doesnt give up easy!" Ralof cursed, entering another room.

You walked in on two other soldiers, and you easily got rid of them. One of the soldiers was carrying a steel sword, so you took that, finding it much easier to control than the clunky ax. You picked up the sheath and strapped it to your hip.

"See if you can find any potions, we're going to need them." Ralof said, walking over to another door.

You raised a brow, potions? You looked around to room and noticed a pale barrel. You opened it and, sure enough, three small bottles sat at the bottom. One green, one red, and the other blue. You pulled them out and stuffed them in your pocket. Then you looked around some more and found another red bottle, and you went on your way.

"What are these for?" you asked, regarding the colored bottles.

"What, you've never seen a potion before?" Ralof asked.

"Nooo..." you shook your head slowly,"I'm not from here. Potions don't exist where I come from. Not even magic."

"No magic or potions?" Ralof guwaffed,"Must be a rough land, where you come from."

He explained that the red potion was for health, the green for stamina, and the blue for magicka.

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