Love is love

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Hey everyone and welcome to another story, now I do want to apologize for the late post on some of my other books during Bellow week I'm really trying to make more then one chapter so you guys can enjoy more chapters at once so bear with me here and soon more chapters will be coming.


I was late summer in the country side of France a and a young woman with short blond hair sat under a tree reading a book as the other girls in her group played games.

"Yellow." One of the counselors called out as she ran up to the 17 year old. The blond gave an annoyed look when she looked at the woman." Com on, it's your groups turn to do arts and crafts what are you doing out here still."

"Reading obviously."

C: Come on now all you have been doing the past month and a half is reading come and join the other girls and put your book down, you have to go back to school soon you should try and have fun before you go back soon."

"I don't acre for all these stupid activities in this place I'm only here because my mom made me otherwise I would be at home playing football with my friends, some stupid girls camp is the last thing I want to be involved in." Yellow shut her book and stood with an annoyed look on her face as she looked at the woman.

C: Fist of all my name is Clara and second Yellow, you can't play football your a woman and you have to know womanly things no man will want a woman who acts like a woman from the street now come on now, no more arguing." She tried to pull Yellow along but the blond put up a fight and kicked Clara in the back of the leg knocking her down and running off into the forest nearby.

C: Yellow!" The counselor called out to to the girl as she disappeared into the distance.

Yellow found her way to the lack and sight waling along the shore of the lack and saw one of the group in the lake for swimming period, all the girls where in two piece bathing suits some a little more reviling then others, liking in Parish you could swim and walk around naked on the beaches and coves, but there was one girl who stood out from the rest of the girls.

She had honey brown skin, crystal blue eyes, and she wasn't skinny, but perfectly plumy with curves and hair as white as snow, she glanced over at her shoulder and saw Yellow there, she gave a sweet smile to the blond making her blush almost to the shad of a cherry freshly picked from the tree top. The white haired girl giggled softly looking at the blond and waved as a hello.

Yellows blush more and smiled a bit, just when she was about to wave back to the girl was pushed into the water by some of the others.

Girl1: Take a dip fatty!" All the girls laughed and Yellow growled watching, but everyone stopped when Blue didn't com up.

G3: Um guys she isn't coming up!!" The girls started to panic realizing they had no idea if the girl could swim or not.

Yellow was about to dive in to help the girl when she noticed the girls white hair on the fair right untying deck raft all the girls where standing on before diving back under the water." She is sneaky." Yellow smiled leaning against the tree with her arms crossed watching the girls where to busy pinking to noticed the raft flouting away from the lake shore.

"Hey girls." They all looked back seeing the girl waving at the from the shore." Careful with the alligators they aren't nice to any everyone." She called out making the girls freak out.

All: Alligators!!!??!?!?" They all hugged each other screaming and crying, this made the brown girl giggle there where no gators in this water just some fish and turtles. Yellow smiled watching the girl from they a far, she walked up behind the girl and placed a towel over her shoulders, this action made the girl turn and look at Yellow with sweet blue eyes but also a confused look.

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