On Our Way

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It was the day before Andrés, and I had to get going for our new mission. Mostly everything needed was packed; my landlord was told that I was going on a vacation. I'm sure that if this lasts longer, the Director will inform him that a relative fell ill, and I plan to stay by their side. Relative, as if I can see them. The life I once had was now buried under pounds of sand.

I say that, but it is also hard not to think about, let alone forget them. My family was a part of my life once, and I guess that is why I can't help but reach out in my own way. Buying every album my brother sold, watching my sister succeed through TV or articles. My parent's even showing up in magazines with how famous my siblings are getting. They seem so happy, it makes me wonder if they ever think about me. After all, we planted evidence to make it look like I was dead.

"How long are you going to hide?" I said out loud to the person hiding in my bathroom. Footsteps then were heard, closing the distance between us.

"I only wanted to see how you were holding up." The Director said.

"If you cared that much, then you would have cared enough not to assign me this task." My eyes avoided him, focusing on reorganizing the clothes in my closet. Not having a clue what my hands were doing. It didn't matter though; this was just a way to avoid looking at him.

"You want to go back, and you know it. You only refuse to accept it, which is why you are confused." My hands froze. What does he know about me?

"If I wanted to go back, then I wouldn't have requested to never go back."

"If you didn't want to go, you wouldn't have bothered to keep tabs on your family." A thud was heard, my eyes following where the sound came. On the floor was a thick binder full of every record on my family that the public had access to. Along with photos, I managed to sneak back with me. "Why do you refuse to accept the truth?"

I sighed, knowing that I couldn't lie even if I tried. "Because the truth is that I abandoned my family for the position I am now. I hurt them to stay in the shadows and indirectly lied to them to give myself a chance to run."

"And you don't know why, or at least that is what you tell yourself." I bit my lip, hands now as fists with the frustration that overwhelmed my heart. "How long are you planning to run?" How long indeed. It isn't possible to show up and tell them the truth, for that will put them in danger. But I do have the option to stop running away from my past and face it. Face whatever comes with it, and yet I don't. When will it end?

"I suggest that while you are on your mission, you think long and hard what you actually want. But do remember, if you decide to go back to your family, your memories of being here will have to be erased." He walked away, his footsteps as quiet as possible. When opening the door, I was then able to hear two pairs of steps. One of them is now coming in my direction.

"Hey, what was the Director doing here?" A calming and smooth voice was heard, one that I can never mistake anyone else's.

My mind was now trying to focus on forgetting everything, doing it's best to go from gloom to happy. "You'll have to guess on that, after all, it was a private conversation." My smile beamed, hope overtaking my heart. Wondering if my act was believable. Andrés, though didn't seem to buy it, so he scanned my room, trying to see what I was hiding. After he finished, his head snapped back to look into my eyes.

"I don't see your suitcase. Don't tell me you haven't packed yet." He rubbed his temples, his way of trying not to get mad.

"No, no, I did pack. My suitcase is underneath the bed." Without a second to lose, I dashed for it before he could lose his mind. Out of all the time Andrés has been my partner, I have only seen him get mad once. It was not pretty, so if there is anything I can do to stop it, I will.

He saw me pulling it out and sighed, now in a better mood. "Then let's get going. The airport isn't going to wait for us." He walked out, and with that, I was on my way back to New Rashmen. The road over there was comfortable, even though both Andrés and I didn't say much to each other. It was silent but in a relaxing way.

"Who is going to pick up the car once we board?" I said.

"A new agent. He wanted to go out in the field, but without completing his training, this is the best they'll get."

"That seems unfair, we didn't get a chance to out until we completed ours. Why is he so special?"

"From what I heard, he is the Director's nephew."

"So much for no special treatment under any circumstances." I quoted him.

"I wouldn't say it is special treatment." Someone said from the back, a voice that was unfamiliar to me. Just like my last mission, my body reacted, grabbing my pocket knife to stab the intruder, but Andrés stopped me before I could. His eyes still on the road, one hand on the while the other gripped my arm. After that, my attention was now back in the present.

My eyes were focusing on the terrified look on the intruder, knife only inches away. If it weren't for Andrés, he would be dead by now. "Too slow, Agent Lyon." Andrés casually said.

"R-Right." The intruder, also known as Lyon, stuttered, still in shock on how close he was to cross the other side.

"Don't tell me this is the nephew you told me about." I ripped my arm out of his grasp, but my eyes took another quick peek again. He looked small and thin, not the type of handling field missions, and most certainly not the cleanest soon-to-be-agent. His hair was a mess to the point where it wasn't. It looked like he spent hours to style it, and that was the end result. Then again, not all of us look the part in the beginning.

"If I may say, Agent Garbo, my being here is not special treatment. It is an honor." I turned around, now having my full attention. "I asked my uncle if I could come along as a request. I mean, you hold the record on finishing training the fastest. Not to mention the number of missions you went on and with your age too."

If I were a cartoon, my eyes would be sparkling, "I have a fan! Andrés, did you hear all that?" I shook him, trying to get his attention. I should be ashamed that this soon-to-be-agent flattered himself all the way to being my favorite, but what can I say? He knows what to say. The rest of the ride to the airport was spent with Lyon, complimenting me. But by the time we got there, I had to leave my pocket knife since they won't allow me to get on board with it.

"Lyon, I trust you to send this to me to my new address. This knife means a lot to me, so do not break my trust." He nodded his head, taking it and saying our farewells.

"Come on, Mel. We don't want to miss our first day." He grabbed me, a smile on his face. Here we go.

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