༄calm in wild

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,,Jungkook, hey!"

𝔗he door slid open and a thin man with short dark brown hair entered the room with slow, calm steps.
Jungkook became jealous at the sight of it, and sadness crept into his aching bones.

Even after almost two months, everything still hurt. Which was to be expected after countless broken bones and internal injuries.
Bruised lungs 3 broken ribs. And his legs..
From the lower spine he was almost completely paralyzed. The doctors had told him that he would probably never be able to walk again, let alone dance.

,,How are you Kook?" The older gave him a weak smile, as he approached the bed.

,,I'm okay." Said Jungkook monoton.
His eyes wandered briefly to Hoseok before they found their way to the window from which Jungkook looked every day.
After the accident, the world had collapsed for him. He wasn't interested in anything anymore. His phone lay unused on his bedside table while it was bombarded with calls and messages, he only ate when necessary, only moved when the nurses told him to. Everything was exhausting for him. But also for his members.
It was hard to see their youngest so vulnerable. The future was also a depressing topic. How would BTS continue? Would they continue at all?
But important right now was to be there for Jungkook..

,,You look a bit pale Kook, did you drink enough?" Jungkook sighed. One member would always come to check on him.. Every day.
Sure he was thankful,
but he just wanted to be alone. ,,Mhm."
,,Okay. Let's go for a walk, your doctor allowed me to take you outside. The fresh air will be good for your lungs. " Hoseok smiled again, as always. But the younger could tell that it was fake. He knew his Hyung for almost 10 years now and he knew that this smile wasn't real. ,,If you say so." The maknae sighed again. He didn't want to move..

,,Come on bunny."
Hoseok helped Jungkook Into his wheelchair and pushed him outside of his room, Into the hallway of the clinic. It was quiet as most of the patients were at their Reha lessons. But Jungkook refused to leave his room, so the nurses mostly came to his room when they had time. The maknae was also seeing a psychologist, even though he didn't want to. He was practically forced to after mentioning his desire to leave..

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The walls were painted a warm beige and the floor looked like glass. Jungkook could see his own reflection in the ground. There were paintings on the walls, some painted by patients, some not, and the flowers here and there gave the hallway a cozy feeling.
,,Your parents called Jin and asked if they could come over tomorrow." Hoseok said and pushed the younger through the large glass door at the end of the corridor, in the direction of the park. ,,They said they couldn't reach you. You still have your phone not charged?" Jungkook shook his head. ,,I charged it."

His parents had only visited him once in the hospital, shortly after the accident. It was hard for them to visit him often, but Jungkook didn't mind. He didn't want them to see him in this state. He had told them that he was fine.

His life felt like it had stopped, like he was suddenly a new person.
He was no longer Jeon Jungkook.. the idol that could do everything...

,,Hyung, you didn't tell my parents about my legs right?" Jungkook looked up to Hoseok. He didn't want his parents to know that he was paralyzed. Maybe they didn't want him as their son anymore?! Jungkook's thoughts were running around like crazy in his head. ,,I wouldn't do anything you don't want. But let me tell you, that sometime in the future they'll have to know."
His hand brushed Jungkooks shoulder, giving him goosebumps.

They left the building, entering the small park where some kids were running around. Jungkook liked the park, the green trees and grasses gave the stately surroundings a feeling of calm and serenity. The singer took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Only the rustling of the leaves, the children and the soft humming of the cars, far in the background, could be heard.
Green was truly a beautiful color..
So peaceful...

,,If the doctor allows, we should travel." Hoseok said as he pushed Jungkook along the sandy path between the trees.
The word ,travel' brought back memories. Memories of the tours they did, how they met armys from so many countries. He missed that. And the thought that this was no longer possible, made the desire for a trip disappear.
,,rather not."

Jungkook stroked his legs, which felt like they didn't belong to him. The thought that he had been walking around with them for 20 years made him sad because now they just felt strange.
In fact, Jungkook still had a slight feeling in his toes, but couldn't move them. It felt like a tingling sensation or a tug at times. On other days, however, he didn't feel anything at all. After many surgeries, his legs, once well trained, were now covered with scars and his bones were stabilized with screws and plates that would be removed in a few weeks.

As Jungkook stroked the numb parts of his body, I felt his eyes fill with tears. His life would never be the same again.
,,H-Hyung." Said the singer with a trembling voice. ,,Yes Kook?"
,,Please take me back to my room.  I'm exhausted." Hoseok sighed.  The rapper knew from his band members that they could never keep Jungkook busy for long because he always wanted to go back to the room.
,,Are you sure? We have only just came and there is still time until your rehab class starts."
He tried to convince Jungkook, but the younger one shook his head as he fought back the tears. ,,I'm not going anyway.."
,,Jungkook you know that it's important for you, or do you want to stay here? We all want you back home!" Hoesok said with a sad voice. The rapper wanted Jungkook to get better..


Back in his room, Hoseok helped Jungkook into bed and covered his legs with one of the woolen blankets that were folded up on the windowsill. ,,Thank you Hyung."
,,No problem. Do you want some water?" Jungkook shook his head, looking out of the window as always.
Seeing and feeling the green, giving him some kind of comfort.

,,I want to be alone.. thanks for your visit."

Thanks for your concern mom, dad
but I'm doing okay, no need to travel this far, your JK
-Sent by Jungkook

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