Chapter 6

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"So explain to me exactly why do we need weapons?" I asked Grayson while we walked back toward camp.
"There are creatures out in the woods. When we separate again, they like to attack the smaller groups. The creatures that is."
"What are they?"
"Any thing really," his face looks a little ashen, "Now, don't tell anyone I told you this, but I think the city created these things. You know, to find us. Take us back. But Silas doesn't believe me. He doesn't want me to scare the others. They all think they've finally reached a safe spot. A place where they can be away from the city. Honestly, I don't think we've reached the wild yet. But you probably think I'm crazy." He blushed.
"No, I think you're right. Much too, caged in paradise to be the end of the city if you ask me."
"Anyway Silas wants to take all of us to the truth pools today." he shrugged, changing the subject.
"Truth pools?"
"Well basically you look into it and you see something. I've never been to it. Everyone else has. Silas has us go about once a month. Or whenever we get a new member." Grayson explained.
"So you became one of them not to long ago?"
"Just two weeks ago actually."
I was surprised. He seemed to have so much experience with the way things were done out here. Even with the way the group works together. I wonder how he got that scar under his left eye. I'm surprised I didn't notice it till now.
"Okay two more questions." I said.
"Fire away."
"How are the groups split and whose will I be in? Also how did you get that scar?"
"That's three."
"Too bad."
"Okay, usually pairs of two or three. I don't know whose group you'll be in. With the way Silas has been treating you, probably his, or mine."
"Okay. But how'd you get that scar?"
"Maybe I'll tell you some other time."
"Alright fine." I said.
"Finally you two show up," Silas said annoyed, "What took you so long Lover boy?"
"Just getting Echo a weapon." Grayson said.
"Mmhmm," there was an odd glint in Silas's eyes.
"It's true, and I thought I asked you to stop calling me lover boy." Grayson's cheeks turned a little pink. I held back a small laugh.
"Okay, well, anyway let's get going to those pools."
We walked for miles. At least it was away from the city. Grayson and I stayed near the back. Eventually we were out of earshot from the group.
"So, about that scar?" I said, elbowing his side.
"You really want to know?" He raised his eyebrows. I nodded frantically.
"I have no idea. I was a little kid and something happened. I don't even remember what it was." He said.
"You're lying," I accused.
"You caught me," he said.
"So what actually happened?"
"I escaped the city at night."
"And? Why is that such a big deal?"
"That's when all those creatures I told you about come out to hunt is down."
"So, you got in a fight with one of them?"
"No, I wish. The truth is kind of hilarious. I had been running through the trees looking for somebody or something. But, I didn't realize I was being stalked by one of the creatures. So when I arrived at the camp in the morning, the thing pounced on me. It had its paw raised up to slash my face and neck to kill me when Silas threw his spear straight through its neck. The creature collapsed sideways and one of the claws scratched me and I got this scar."
"Oh my gosh, are you serious?" I couldn't believe my ears.
"Nope, I lied again. Look the story isn't something I'm ready to share. I promise, I will tell you. Just not yet."I wasn't sure what I heard in his voice, but it was something more than just a promise.
"Ok, but was most of the second story true?" He started laughing. "What?"
"Actually, yes. But when the thing died it got my arm."
"Oh, nice." I giggled.
We walked in silence for a long time. The sun was almost setting when Silas called out to the group.
"Alright everyone, we are at the last camp we have set before the truth pools, I suggest we stay here for the night unless we want to be attacked. Sound good?"
Everyone nodded. Why would we want to be attacked?
After dinner, I went to my tent. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.
Hi everyone!
Sorry again for taking so long to update. I've been trying to make this chapter longer, and not having much time to write makes that hard. So sorry again. I hope I can get another chapter out sooner.
Thanks for reading!

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