LA life

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I woke up and Tatum was not there, I when downstairs and she wasn't there so I looked around and she wasn't anywhere, I when to mini tommy room and he was awake, I picked him up and took him downstairs and gave him breakfast and ate mine, Tatum pulled up and she came in and she was crying, "what's wrong"I said and she ran upstairs, I drove to the store and got her some flowers and when home and made her some breakfast, "come on let's go give mummy this you hold the flowers ye"I said to mini Tommy giving him the flowers, we when upstairs and I knocked on her door and Addison was in there "come in"Addison said and we when in, "I got you flowers and made you breakfast bc you was crying"I said and put the breakfast on the bed and mini tommy gave the flowers to Addison "good bye come on"I said and me and mini tommy left, we when downstairs and we played with bear and gave him food, I sat on the couch watching TV with mini tommy and everyone eles came down but no girls, I was worried about Tatum bc she would tell me what was wrong, Addison came downstairs with Dixie, I was doing email on my laptop and watching tommy "ADDISON"tommy shouted and jumped out of my grip and ran to her, The other girls came down but Tatum didn't and I new it was my chance to talk to Tatum, I ran past them and upstairs and into Tatum room, I closed and locked the door and bent down by the bed with my hands on Tatum legs "what's wrong"I said "no...a-...h"she said crying "what happened"I said "he told me I was nothing and should kill my self and a lot more"she said crying "look at me you amazing, beautiful, smart,cute,lovely and i dont know what I would do with out you bc your my heart and I don't care what lies he says bc you not that"I said and Tatum hugged me, I kissed her forehead and put my head in her stomach, she played with my hair "I'm got back downstairs let's you sleep ok"I said and she nodded, I unlocked the door and when back downstairs and sat back on the couch and when back on my laptop, amber came down "I'm going out with Blake"she said "who is Blake"I said "my friend"she said and I nodded and she left, I layed on the couch and played with mini tommy and bear, "walkeys"I said and bear got excited, I put him on the leash and it mini tommy shoes on and when outside, I held mini tommy hand and bear leash and we when for a walk, we was walking when I saw amber smoking with that Blake guy, I walked up to them "home now"I said "you can't tell her what to do your not her dad"Blake said "I have her for a month so I can let's go"I said and amber followed me, we got inside and I took bears leash off "upstairs now"I said to amber and she when upstairs "go to Bryce I will be back soon"I said to mini tommy and he ran to Bryce, I ran upstairs into amber room "SMOKING ARE YOU CRAZY"I shouted "so what"she said "your grounded for 2 weeks"I said "why"she said "FOR SMOKING PHONE"I said and she threw her phone at me, amber when downstairs and I locked the windows so she couldn't sneak out, and when downstairs, I pulled my jeans up and put amber phone in my back pocket "when do I get my phone"amber said "in a week"I said walking to the kitchen, all the girls came downstairs and sat down "Tatum cane you tell tommy to unground me"amber said and I laughed "why did he ground you"Addison said "bc I was hanging out with my mate Blake"amber said "unground her Tommy"Dixie said "you wanna tell them what you was doing or may I"I said "you"amber said "she was smoking"I said "oh I would ground you"all the girls said and I laughed and took amber phone out my back pocket and sat down, Tommy sat on my lap with bear, mini tommy jumped off my lap and when and played with bear, you lay back and close your eyes and end up falling asleep,

Tatum pov:
We all walked inside and Tommy was asleep, "did he not get any sleep"Addison said and we all shrugged are shoulders, Bryce screamed and tommy woke up "shhh"I sat and Tommy sat up and wipped his eyes, "let's watch it"Bryce said sitting down "you and tommy have to sit on opposite sides of the room"Addison said "yall mean"me and tommy said and I sat down, Bryce put the movie on and me and tommy was texting each other,

Tommy pov:
Me and Tatum where texting each other and smiling "put your phones down"Bryce said and we put them down, all the girls screamed "I don't like this movie I'm going upstairs"Tatum said and ran upstairs, "me to"I said and grabbed my laptop,phone and ambers phone and ran upstairs, I when in my room and Tatum was there, I put my things on the floor and jumped on the bed, put my put my head on Tatum stomach and hugged her, she played with my hair and I fell asleep, I woke up and there where so many people in my room and Tatum wasn't laying down, I turned around and they was on my laptop, "get out"I said "your a cheated and we are going to find it bc you hid Your laptop from Bryce"Dixie said "ye bc I was looking at the studio that was in New York and I didn't want people knowing"I said and everyone got embarrassed and gave me my laptop, they all left and Tatum left to, Bryce wasn't in my room and same with Thomas and mia so I wanted to ask them to look after tommy and bear and not let amber out so I when to Thomas room and knocked "come in"Thomas said "can you looks after mini tommy,bear and not let amber out I think I'm move out I'm go look at a house bf people where going threw my laptop"I said "ye sure I think Bryce will Wanna move with you and if you do we wanna come"Thomas said "bet"I said and bro hugged him and we when downstairs, and called the house you was looking out, you booked a look at and drove there, you pulled up and meet the owner and he showed you around the house "I love it I wanna buy it"I said and gave him the keys and he left, I made a tiktok with the caption 'new house since yall cant be trusted' and I texted Thomas the address and he pulled up 20 minutes later with mia,Bryce,mini tommy,amber and bear. They all jumped out the car "wow"they said looking at it "ITS MINE"I shouted and we all ran up the stairs to the front door and ran around, "so you guys wanna move in"I said to Bryce,Thomas and mia "NEW HOUSE NEW HYPE"they all shouted and I laughed and bro hugged Bryce and Thomas and hugged mia, "let's go get are things"Thomas said "AMBER,TOMMY AND BEAR"I shouted they all ran downstairs and bear jumped into my arms, we got in the car and drove to the hype house, we pulled up and everyone was outside dancing to tiktoks, "don't leak my new house address"I said as we got out the car, and we when inside, I ignored everything and packed my things up and put them in the car and when and helped mini tommy pack his things up and put them in the car, we was all packed and everyone was so confused and I haven't even talk to Tatum, the Hollywood fix came up to me as I was on my phone waiting for the others "hey tommy long time so see"he said and I laughed "so you posted a tiktok with the captain 'new house since yall can't be trusted, what does that mean"he asked "I bought a new house and I moving out with mini tommy,amber,Bryce,Thomas and mia"I said "does that mean you have left the hype house"he asked "yes i dont know about the others but ye"I said "have you and Tatum broke up"he asked "no we haven't she is staying at the hype house until we talk"I said "okay what do u think on lovely peaches and charli"he asked "it's gross like who would do that I don't know what eles to say"I said "there is a Rumour going around that you said the n word"he asked and I laughed "I never said that people are just jealous"I said "any last words for being at the hype house "this is your fault don't go threw my laptop"I said "okay well it was nice seeing you"he said "ye you to don't forget to by my new merch the tamy merch is only up for a week so go by it"I said and walked away, every one eles was in the car, I got in and drove to the house, we pulled up and took are things inside, I saw the hype house pulled up "my location shit"Bryce said "all of ares where on"Thomas said and I got up and when outside, I laughed and I when down the stairs, "leave"I said and the boys smirked and got back in the car, "go in the car I wanna talk to tommy"Tatum said and they got in the car "what is wrong with you"she said "you when threw my laptop"I said "so you move stupid"she said "wouldn't have happened if you didn't go threw my laptop"I said "okay what does that mean for us"Tatum said "if you can't trust me and I can't trust you then I think we should go on a break"I said "fine but we are friends"she said and I nodded and she got in the car and they drove away, I when back inside and chilled with everyone,

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