Chapter one: reborn

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(Rin's pov)
Pain courses through by body as I feel Kakashi's chidori rip through my chest. My vision becomes hazy but I can still see a tear roll down his face.

I fall backwards as my vision starts to go dark, the pain finally going away as my consciousness slips. Finally, all I see is black.

(Time skip)

It feels like I've been floating in this dark abyss forever until a bright light shines and engulfs my whole body.

I open my eyes to see a woman standing over me, a look of worry and concern on her face. She had dark blue hair, dough brown eyes, and pale skin. "Are you okay?" She asked me as I finally found the strength to sit up. I look at her, and then around at my surrounding. A forest surrounds the two of us.

I suddenly hear someone else approaching us. It was a man with jet black hair and forest green eyes carrying some medical supplies. I wondered why he had those until I felt a stinging pain course through my body as I finally look down at myself. I'm covered in dried blood as I can see many cuts along my small body.

The woman starts treating my wounds. Once she's done she then asks me "how did you end up out here in this condition?" I go to answer but I can't remember any thing "I don't know...." I said a bit aloof while trying to remember.

The woman then moves on to another question "what's your name?" She asked me. "I don't remember" I tell her, in fact, I can't seem to remember anything at all.

The woman gives me a sad smile "how about you live with us for a while?" She asked. I just simply nodded as she helped me stand to my feet.

We walk through the woods for a small while before walking through a small gate into the village. The small village was very lively . Adults chatting and shopping, kids running around play with each other, an occasional animal popping up here and there. The couple walked me deeper into the village until we came across a small house.

The couple led me inside and brought me to the spare room. The woman then picked me up and set me on the bed "you should get some rest" she told me. I simply nodded since I felt quite exhausted. I climbed under the warm blankets and laid down. I then got into a comfortable position and started to drift off. The woman smiled warmly before walking out and closing the door behind her to let me rest.

(Time skip)

I woke up refreshed and sat up letting out a yawn and stretching. The door then opened revealing the woman and she gave me a smile "I was about to come and wake you for dinner but it looks like your already up" she said before walking over to you and helping you out of bed.

She led me downstairs and into the kitchen with food set out on the table. She helped me onto a chair and then made me a plate of food before setting it down in front of me.

Once I was done eating, the woman picked me up and took me into the bathroom and started running some water "let's get you cleaned up" she told me as she started to slowly take off my bandages.

Once all of my bandages and clothes were off, she picked me up and lowered me into warm water. She washed off all of the dirt and dried blood that got got onto my skin and in my hair.

Once she was don't washing me, she picked me up and started to dry me before she noticed something "huh, that's a strange birth mark" she said as she saw a jagged birthmark on my chest. She almost mistaken it for some type of scar because it looked like a wound.

She just shrugged it off before fully drying me and placing me in a new set of clean clothes. She then sat me down in front of a mirror where I could finally see myself. I had (long/short/medium) (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and my skin was (s/c). She got done brushing through my messy hair and picked me up before taking me into the living room.

She sat me down on the ground before she sat in front of me "I guess I should tell you who I am. My name is Akari (l/n). The man you saw earlier was my husband, Kaito (l/n)" she told me

"So do you have a family?" Akari asked. I just shook my head since I couldn't remember my past or even who I was. She just gave me another sad smile before she pulled me into a hug "well, I'll take care of you and become your new mommy, how does that sound?" She asked me. I just nodded as I sat there in her embrace.

After a while she finally let go of me. "You need a name" she said as she thought to herself for a few seconds "oh! How about (y/n)?" She asked me. I just smiled and nodded at her liking that name "well it's decided then, you are now (y/n) (l/n)" she declared with a smile

(Time skip)

It has been a few years and I have been enrolled into the ninja academy in the village. Growing up I learned that this village was the hidden light village, a small ninja village but strong nonetheless.

My father, Kaito (l/n) was a ninja so he helps protect the village from whatever try's to harm it. I look up to him and he also helps me with training.

I'm now 13 years old and today is the day that I meet my new teammates, my friend Rosa Seikatsu is one of them and I couldn't be happier! The other girls name was Sarah Pureheart, it was a really weird name but I won't let that stop me from getting along with her.

I finally reach the academy and take my seat with my new teammates. Rosa had long strawberry red hair and soft jade eyes. She had fair white skin and had freckles dotting her face and wore her head band on top of her head. The other girl next to her had long brown hair up in a ponytail, fierce dark brown eyes and tanned skin. She wore her headband on her forehead. I'm guessing that she's Sarah then.

"Hi, I'm (f/n) (l/n)" I say introducing myself to the brunette. "I'm Sarah pureheart, nice to meet ya!" She said with enthusiastically with a smile on her face.

The three of us all chatted while we waited for our new sensei to show up. It was a while until a woman with short raven black, dark blue eyes, pale skin and glasses stepped into a room "Squad 5?" She asked. Squad 5 was us so we stood up and followed her out of the room.

She led us to the training grounds before turning to us "I am Akira Cheisai, your new sensei" she introduced herself "now, starting from right to left, tell me your names" she told us "Sarah Pureheart" Sarah said going first "(f/n) (l/n)" I said going second "Rosa Seikatsu" Rosa said going last

"Tomorrow morning at 7am sharp, you will get up and meet here, don't be late" Akira sensei said before disappearing.

The three of us just kind of stood there until Sarah spoke up "well that just happened" she said. Rosa and I just nodded slowly in agreement. "Anyways, y'all wanna get something  to eat? I know this one cafe makes the best baked goods and sweets!" She asked us "uh, sure, I could go for something" I said. Rosa just nodded before Sarah turned and led the way.

We get to a small, nice, cafe and go up to the counter to order. Sarah ordered herself a slice of chocolate cake before turning to us "what do you guys want?" She asked Rosa and I "I'll have (f/sweet)" I told her "I'll just get a strawberry cupcake" Rosa told her. Sarah ordered what we wanted before we all sat down at one of the table. The served us the desert we ordered and ate while we talked about random things.

I smile happily as the three of us talked, I couldn't wait to see what tomorrow sensei Akira had in store for us tomorrow morning.

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