Getting ready

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I'll make a quick part two right now so here we go (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

----Bodyguards PoV----
Should we have stopped that conversation? Probably. But now Mr. Obama has a dinner reservation at 6:30. I think we should leave him alone for this 'date'

----Obama's PoV----
By the time we get to Kalorama it will be 4:00. It takes an hour to get to Kalorama from here, and we have to come back here for my date. So it gives me an hour to get ready if i want to show up early. I guess when we get back I'll have to get ready quick. I have the best thing to wear. Y/n will be stunned! Wait, why do I want to impress them? Its not like I like them. We are just acquaintances. Yes. But do I want to be more than that? STOP THINKING LIKE THAT!! I have a wife and im happy the way I am. Or... am I? I'll think about this later.

~an hour later~

Im back home so I should find that outfit that will make me look irresistible. Wait what am I thinking? I can't think like that I have a wife! Okay, now, back to getting the outfit ready. YES! FOUND THE PERFECT OUTFIT! Y/n will love this.

(Quick a/n: just imagine the outfit that you want him to be wearing! Imagine whatever you want.)

Now all I have to do is make up an excuse to Michelle...

That's gonna be an issue...

A/n sorry I'm ending this one super early because I just wanted something to give. It's been a long time so I definitely needed to publish something other than an A/n

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