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the sun is rise and the breez of sunlight brush hanna's soft skin. it's weekends today her most favorite days of her life. cause why not?  aside from not being into school she got more 'me' time to herself although an introverted person like her was always alone.

She spent most of her time in drawing, writing a poem,listening to her favorite musics(mamamoo songs) and she enjoy now photography.  upon arriving yesterday she urgently fix her school admission so she doesn't need to worry about it and will take her time on weekends

she slowly lift herself,stretch her body and reach her note to check her needs to do list in korea. upon checking her note most of her list was already accomplished yesterday so that's means she has more leisure time for the rest of weekends.

she decided to spent her time going on hongdae to buy some presents that she will give to mamamoo members. visiting mamamoo agency and leaving her presents for them there was also part of her norm aside from attending their fan meeting every time she visited korea but she's not intended to personally meet her favorite artist in close contact ALONE, she's still can't handle her superb nervousness in meeting them. and her last stop is itaewon

she happily leave her bed to wash up and to have breakfast before she fix herself to do her made schedule.

"mr. hans? mr.-" hanna called out as soon as she reach the living room and stop when she scent delicious smell that definitely came from the kitchen area.

'good morning ms.hanna i cooked some breakfast eat it and make sure do not leave the house by yourself call me to accompany you. ' written in sticky note that pasted in marble table along with a phone and smartwatch. 

she doesn't have a phone cause in a first place she doesn't have a friend to text with or call, if she need to contact her parents or home she just need to use public phone which is barely much happened cause she's a very organized person. second she doesn't enjoy using gadgets, she only have two in her life which are her loptop for research, visiting mamamoo fan cafe and streaming their new songs, and cameras for her photography hobby.

but now she need to familiarize herself to use this given phone to her.  she sat down and start to nimble mr. hans cooked food. a few minutes she's done eating, she clean her dishes which her mom taught her. despite of having 3 helpers in the house her mom taught her and her younger brother to do the basic house chores which they can apply if they decided to be independent or living their own someday.

minutes passed by, hanna fixed herself to do her first weekends itinerary. but before she leave the house she make sure to call mr. hans but unfortunately the older guy didn't pick up so she decided to leave her message in his voice mail.

"mr. hans I'll be in hongdae to stroll and after that i'll be going in itaewon call me if you received my message" she unsurely click the red button since it's her first time using a phone and call is the easiest to learn in phone features she just hope that her message delivered to mr. hans without a trouble.

she slid her phone in small sling bag that carried along side with her  wallet. she fix her black cap,scarf and strapped of camera then make her way to do her schedule for today. without realizing that she forget to wear her smart watch whereas she can easily track by mr. hans


meanwhile paul received hanna voice messaged. he immediately called the young lady but unfortunately she didn't pick up.  he wanted to leave abruptly in meeting he has and make his way to hanna but the person he with is also a important client. he decided to track hanna smartwatch to his phone and saw that it was still located to their staying villa. he heavily sigh after suspecting  that the young lady probably forgot to wear her smartwatch

"mr. hans is everything alright? " paul lift his head and hide his phone under his suit

"oh..  yes mr. kim, it's just a simple house problem let's get back to where we are." paul stated as much as possible he want to finish his meeting for him to find hanna immediately

on the other hand hanna enjoying her time strolling in hongdae. she doesn't need a map or something since she already familiar in place cause she always bought her parents and brother souvenir here aside from a simple gift to mamamoo everytime she visited korea. a couple of hours of window shopping, photo taking and eating street foods she saw while walking. she decided to make her way to rbw ent. to leave her bought presents to her favorite artist.

hanna arrive in RBW ent.  without a trouble she calm herself like she always do before entering the small building.  she want to see even one person from her favorite artist but at the same time praying that she's not. cause just only stepping her foot in agency building and thinking it might happened makes her more nervous.

she lowered her cap and lifted until nose her scarf that rounded to her neck, to cover up half of her face before making way to reception area.

"hello" she greeted in korean word, she do know how to speak and understand the basic korean language.  a girl in reception area doing something in her table lifted her head to look at her

"hi' how can i help you? " hanna lift a medium paper bag to counter table, makes the girl get what she came for.

"im a fan of mamamoo would you mind if you hand this gift to them?  you can check what's on inside" a girl quietly nod and hand her a note. the note that she always received everytime she left a presents to mamamoo. she instructed to wrote her name and to the person who will received her presents.then a girl also look for her i.d to check and to record her identity.

on the other hand mr. hans biding his goodbye to the person he with when a familiar figure caught his attention. he wasn't sure if she's the girl he's looking cause she was covering her face of cap and scarf.

hanna was about to handed her i.d when she saw her phone light up. she quickly fish out her phone and saw the caller name pop on screen.  she excused herself first to the girl and pull down her covered scarf to her face before she answer her incoming call

'hello? '

"where are you?  i called you several times" hanna sense the annoyance yet calm voice of mr. hans to the other line

'huh? so this is not the First time you called?  i didn't know your given phone might have a problem'

"you maybe turned it in silent mode"

'no im not.. i don't even know how to use it aside from call' she heard a heavy sigh from mr. hans

"ok fine.. my bad. so where are you now?, you didn't even wear your smartwatch"

'oh... yeah sorry i forgot. me?  im in a safe place don't worry' .she look to the girl in front of her and saw her slightly smile to her reason. hanna a bit blush when she realize that the girl in reception area understand her language.

"where? "

'im still in hongdae?' in a cue hanna exchange a shy smile to the girl who's holding a laugh because of  her lie.

"are you sure? "


"then why im seeing a girl who look like you standing in reception area where i was now? "

'where? ".  hanna roam her eyes and landed to the guy in suit holding his phone and coldly looking at her.

she slowly end the call, lift her scarf to cover her half face and instinctively run outside the building

"hanna!" paul bid again his goodbye to mr. kim whose smilling maybe because of the situation he saw and he immediately followed hanna from running

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