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a weeks passed by fall is coming and chuseok is around the corner hanna excitedly to experience korean thanksgiving day. the weirdness of her body she experienced last time was never repeated again and she was relief because of that. she just concluded that it's part of her adjusting in new environment.

she usually do her daily routine before going to school. today is friday her most favorite day since tomorrow she will have another  'me time' for herself. she decided not to take weekends classes eventhough it can credit to her credentials. after closing her loptop and fix all her notebooks inside her bag she quickly put her sling bag on her shoulder but before leaving her room she pause after hearing her phone ring, she tap her pocket but the thing wasn't there she dig through her bag but still not finding it until she followed the sound and landed her eyes on her study table. she sigh mr.hans surely roasting her for almost forgetting her phone, that caller save her for an earful.

she quickly slide the answer call without looking the caller I.D "hello?" she answer in relief thanking the caller in silent

"OH MY GAD! finally I contacted you!" she quickly remove her phone to her ear.that loudness gave her a splitting sound in head then gradually look the caller I.D hanna automatically bit her lower lip and put her phone again to where it was in a first place

"uh' yeah...ji hye wae-yo?(why)" hanna ask though she know what ji hye her school mate wanted to say

"about tomorrow shin-e and I planning to hang out on suelgi place and I guess you can come with us now?" she swallowed hard.

ji hye,bae shin and suelgi always ask her to hang out during weekends. like her, those three girls didn't take the weekends classes since they have after class during weekdays. she try her best to decline them several times in humble way but their persistent is really something. she can't come up any excuses to turn down ji hye invitation and she also shy to disregard her now

"...hello? hanna ajikdo geogi itni?(are you still there?)". the caller ask after receiving her silent for a couple of minutes

"uh.. yeah.. ji hye-ah sasil eun-(actually)"

"you have something to do again?, hay... hanna-ssi we know your smart self studying is not your thing you even don't have after class on weekdays. try to hang out with us just for this one huh? please...please..pleaseeeee?" she sigh, she doesn't want to be rude to her friend for continuing declining their invitation. but she doesn't want also to postpone her itinerary tomorrow.

"ok.. I will ask my Guardian permission first" she defeatedly said

"Yes!!..tta bwo ja! annyeong!( see you later! bye!)". her last resort of excuse is mr.hans as long as she didn't permit her she can honestly turn down ji-hye invitation. knowing the older man protective and firm to his words he will not definitely allow her to hangout to her friend without knowing them first.


in the middle of eating hanna observing mr.hans in front of her weighing the mood of older one.paul saw hanna's  looked, he furrowed his eye brows to younger one behavior.

"yes hanna do you have something to say?" hanna clear her throat and put down her spoon and fork.

"ahm...ji-hye ask me to hang out tomorrow. so im asking your permission to allow me to be with them but it's okey if your not-"

"sure go ahead, instead locking yourself in room and tagging me always to your itinerary" hanna scoff in disbelief. "why? did I say something wrong?".

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