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[Cutie<3 has logged onto Private groupchat with: Izuwu🥦 and Katsuwu🧡]

Cutie<3: can one of you come help me, please?

i fell out of a tree when i was tryna save a kitty cat

but the kitty is safe now, so it's okay

Izuwu🥦: oh my allmight, are you hurt? where are you right now?

Cutie<3: umm, i don't really know where i am, but i know it's near the park by your houses'

please come fast, i don't think i can stay awake much longer

Katsuwu🧡: I'm already on my way, so just hold on, alright?

We're gonna get you help, but for now I really just need you to stay awake for me, (n/n)

Cutie<3: okay, please hurry, guys

i'm scared

Izuwu🥦: i know it's scary, but we're gonna come and get you, alright, bunny?

you're being so so brave right now

Cutie<3: okay, i trust you both

i'm really sorry for making you both worry so late at night...

Katsuwu🧡: Damnit, it's not your fault, okay? All that matters is if you're okay, so stop fucking apologizing


Izuku's POV

"(Y/n)!" I yelled, not caring about disturbing anyone's sleep. Right now, nothing mattered more to me than finding her.

"(Y/n)! Where are you?" Kacchan called. We had been trying to find her for the past ten minutes, having put our differences aside to work together.

No sound was heard as I waved my flashlight around, attempting to see more clearly in the darkness. "Damnit, where is she!" Katsuki yelled, a frustrated growl escaping his lips.


He cut me off, shaking his head.

"We have to fucking find her, okay?!" The flashlight was snatched out of my hand as he waved it around, "Oi, (N/n)! Where are you, dammit?!"

After another five minutes, a cough was heard, both of us running off in the direction it came from to find a girl slumped up against a tree. "(Y/n)," We both yelled.

"S-she's freezing!" I gasped, worried as my skin made contact with hers.

Kacchan practically tore off his jacket before putting it on her cold body and dialling the police. "Hello, yes, I need an ambulance right now at Musutafu Park!"


(Y/n)'s POV

I woke up in a warm place, my left leg in a cast and an IV in my right arm. "W-where am I?" I asked, slightly dazed from the medication they had given me.

"Y-you're okay!" Izuku shouted, tears in his eyes as he ran up to wrap his arms around me. Katsuki did the same.

"You fucking scared me, you know that?" Katsuki asked, warm tears hitting my neck in the spot he was hugging.

Tears welled up in my own eyes, too, and I couldn't help but let them loose, "I-I'm sorry!"

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