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Seraphina POV-

The last week was me working under immense pressure. Nick always consoled me that I was doing my best but I was determined to do even better. So, today after school when Jasper huddled us together for practice, I was ready. The three Chasers stood together and so did the Beaters. Calvin had not come yet and I don't know but maybe I saw a flicker of irritation in Ian's face. When he finally arrived, we took our positions, the Quaffle was in Carly's hand. The game starts. The Quaffle's passed to Ian who takes it under his arm and makes a swish for one of the rings. He tries to score a pass but Jasper is too good. Meanwhile Sandy and Jason prevented any Bludger from coming our way. Ian passes me the Quaffle and from there Carly and I pass each other the Quaffle till we reach Jasper, I fly up close to the ring while Carly makes a move and flings the Quaffle in my direction. This confuses Jasper and he goes for the middle hoop, the Quaffle lands on my hand and I force it on the right hoop and score! Jasper congratulates us and we keep on the practice till dinner, that's when Calvin finally catches the Golden Snitch. All of us make a racket when he comes down and makes way for the Great Hall. We are all sweaty and hungry from the practice, thus we inhale all the food around us. I had taken almost every food item on Nicks's plate and he was like, "Dude! You gotta stop eating my food!" and then we laughed over how I was devouring all the food at once. I noticed that Amelia and Ian were sitting together and when we make eye contact she gives me the 'look'. I just smile at her and carry on laughing with Nick.  

Author POV-

Ian knew dating Amelia Thrace was a mistake, that girl was obsessed with him since her first year. But Selene was starting to get on his nerve. The other day, she was bawling for betraying her. Ian had no clue what to say, so he just mentioned that he had feelings for Amelia. He lied, it was just one of those times when a pretend girlfriend was a comfort that maybe he was not a total failure in his life. He wished people would be scared of him like they were scared of Calvin. Nobody dared to even mess with Calvin. Right now both the boys were in their dorms finishing up the DA DA assignment. They were so quiet. Everything seemed to change among them, they were not the best friends they knew to be. Ian barely knew what Calvin was up to, he became closed off and moody. And it annoyed Calvin the same, that Ian couldn't ever be serious about something. Calvin was going through so much, so many unexpected feelings, so many emotions all at once and he needed a shoulder and Calvin knew that Ian could be trusted but he didn't trust Ian to not make fun of him. They both were so awkwardly silent that when their dorm mate Jason came in, they were actually kind of relieved. Jason was ranting about William, the Gryffindor captain, was sledging him in front of everyone." I wanted to kill him, that bastard!" said an angry Jason. Ian said," Yeah well we have a great team, I'm definite that after the match all of them will go back crying to their mommies." They laughed before going back to their assignments. Ian had no clue what the answers were and he was sure he would have to resubmit his homework. If only he could have one of his juniors to do his homework, but he had that experience with Seraphina Diggory, the cheapskate of a girl, thinking about him made Ian angry. He didn't know why but she always knew the right words to throw at him. Just a few days back they had another huge fight. It started with Seraphina missing the Quaffle, and later again failing to goal an easy score. Ian came down and let her know his opinion, "Hey Diggory! Is your brain not functioning properly, cause ya played like a buffoon! I mean that was the easiest catch anyone could get and you missed it!" to which Seraphina retorted, "Yeah well if you had the slightest bit of common sense you would know that my position was far away and Carly was closer. Seems like the only thing you can do is be a stuck up who makes people like him because his parents didn't!" Ouch. Ian was so outraged at that time that the fight turned out to be a duel and the rest is history. One of the perks of Amelia as a girlfriend is that when everything goes wrong Ian can count on her to make him feel good. His train of thoughts is broken as he hears Calvin sneeze. Something about that sneeze makes Ian crack up. He laughs so hard, tears start falling. Calvin too joins, they don't know why they are laughing but maybe this laugh was needed. Ian needed his friend and so did Calvin. A few minutes of silence then Ian chimes, "Hey Cal! homework's a pain in the ass, wanna hang?" Calvin smiles.

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