Número diez

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I want it that way⁓⁓

Author POV- 

During breakfast, Nicholas was sad that Seraphina hadn't joined him, but he couldn't blame her. She had yet another fight with Ian. It was pretty small, Ian had called Nick a wuss and Seraphina tried to protect him and Nick doesn't know why that small fight turned to Ian turning totally paralyzed for days. She has been in the infirmary for the last two days as well. Nick wasn't allowed to see her so he just sat alone in the Great Hall. Suddenly a built figure sits beside him, he looks up and it's Calvin Malfoy. Nicholas wanted to piss his pants! Calvin was concentrating on his food and Nick thought he should too. When taking a piece of croissant Calvin hands him a butterscotch and says, "Here you look hungry." Nick is petrified, he slowly takes the butterscotch telling himself that Calvin doesn't know. Calvin smiles and leans forward, his soft breath hitting Nick's ears, he says,"I need some help with History of Muggles, if you could help me." The butterscotch Nick was chewing, got stuck in his mouth. He stammered, "I-It was a p-pran-prank. Um Ser-Seraphina thought it would be funny." Calvin replied, "Really? Oh well I thought we could help my problem." Nick says," I mean I am free after school, like I don't know if like you are free then cuz you've got like a lot of friends and like I don't know if you'd be free." Calvin shushes him and says, "After school, in the library."Calvin gets up and winks at him. Nick is serious he is gonna have a heart attack. He looks at the direction Calvin just went and he can't help but feel hopeful.

Ian is gleaming, after petrifying Seraphina and landing her in the infirmary for two days, he is starting to have a great time. After breaking up with Amelia, he has had more free time and now spends most of it on bullying juniors. His favorite bully partner is Selene, she is so rude and sassy, the juniors could piss their pants. Just this morning a first-year Slytherin was slowly munching on peanut butter and jelly, when Selene call her out in front of everyone, "Hey fatty, do ya mind not munchin so loud, I can hear your stomach grumble!" It was pretty funny Ian had to admit. He just bunked two of his classes and he was sure another letter would be sent home. Pfft home! more like an office. He didn't want to think of home, so he tried to think of something else, Ninny. That two cent girl was being more annoying as days went and he had to put a stop to her rebellious little attitude. When all the students were in their respective classes, Ian slowly went up to the infirmary and up to Seraphina's bed. She was sound asleep. He took a permanent marker and drew all over her face. A mustache, an 'I am ugly' sign on the forehead, dark circles under her eyes, weird doodles on her cheek. Ian looked satisfied. 

Nick was about to pass out, Calvin had been breathing for the last 45 minutes and all Nick did was melt more and more. Calvin was taking the tutoring seriously while Nick just stared at the blonde. Nick went on, "So, um today's class is finished. Um I mean you can study all you want I'm not a nerd! Pfft! I mean like I get good grades and like I study like not all the time but I do. And like you must be tired so um yeah! Class dismissed!." Calvin giggles and Nick has to admit that is the most adorable giggle he has ever heard. Calvin shakes his head and says, "Well see you next Monday." Nick is confused he thought he did so badly Calvin won't even look at him but Nick has always found it hard to make a proper sentence in front of the blonde and just replies with an okay. Before Calvin leaves the library Nick runs up to him and hands him another butterscotch. He says, "You look hungry, have this it gives energy." Their hands touch for a brief moment and either Nick is going to pass out for real this time or Calvin is gonna puke his butterflies.

Seraphina woke up a day later and her joints hurt. She was on bed rest for literally 4 days and she needed a walk. She didn't even bother looking at herself in the mirror before putting on her robe and going out to find Gina. She could fill her up about the details she missed. Gina was sitting perched on a concrete slab talking to a bunch of first years and when she looked at Seraphina she exclaimed, "Yo girll! whas wrong with yo face?! It's tattered!" Everyone around Seraphina looked at her and although they didn't mean to, laughed. She quickly rushed into the bathroom to find her face marked with ink. She looked horrifying. She tried rinsing away the ink but not one speck came out. She had to go to Slughorn but she had to walk past people. She put on the hood of the cloak and walk as fast as she could to Slughorns office, but midway a girl bumped into her. Seraphina was about to apologize when the said girl grabbed her hood and pushed it back, it was Selene and she was laughing hysterically. And all around her, her Slytherin mates. Ian was in the back singing, "Oohh somebody wiped of her makeup! Honestly Ninny I thought you looked normal behind that ugly makeup you wore, turns out you look like an ugly duckling!" Seraphina heard laughter all around her, the last speck of courage she had was all gone. She wished she could be paralyzed all over again. She ran through the crowd with tears. She got into Slughorn's office and fixed her face but told nothing of Ian. She came out and didn't want to speak or look at another Slytherin, They are all a bunch of meanies! she thought. She made way for her dorm where under covers she lit the tip of her wand and reread her Dad's owls. The recent one made her sob more.

My lovely bunny,

How are you doing? I am doing just fine, maybe we might have some financial glitch but worry not! I spoke to McGonagall and she has agreed upon a little less amount on tuition. So don't worry about leaving Hogwarts any time soon! I know you are doing just great and maybe you don't miss your old man that much. You must have so many friends there you barely will remember writing to me every week. I miss you so much my little bunny. I wish I could hug your little baby head. Anyways enough emotional talk! Make sure to write to me as soon you get any free time and I am so proud of you baby. Your momma is too.


Dear ol' Dad

That night Seraphina slept with Louis. The cat was a gift from her momma and she always held on to Louis when she felt down. Maybe for a few snots too. She had no friends, she was completely alone against the force of evil. She was getting weak. Later that night she felt three kisses on the top of her head and maybe she wasn't alone. She was gonna fight back.



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