Playlist live

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Playlist live was well nerve racking to say the least you can't walk anywhere with out running into a fan but something about that turned dixie on the fear of being caught kissing her "bestfriend".

"Dixie we can't do this not here not now"dixie pouted currently they where in a Empty room somewhere in playlist live"oh come on I know you want this"

"It doesn't matter if I want it or not we're gonna get caught"dixie chuckled"you wasn't saying that when we did some not so holy things in the same room as my sister as she slept"

"Shut up I couldn't help myself"dixie put her hand on Addisons thigh"come on babe please"dixie said as she started to lean in addison leaned in as well kissing her softly.

Dixie started to deepen the kiss when they heard foot steps addison pushed off.they both looked over to see Charli standing there"there you guys are I've looked everywhere"

"What's up Charli"dixie said still looking at addison as she spoke she couldn't take her eyes off her"well we have to go to a panel in about 10 minutes did you forget or-"

"Oh shit I forgot about that so much is been going on today"Charli nodded agreeing with her sister"well there's no time to get ready but you guys look fine so let's go"

They both followed Charli to the steps to get on stage in was a 7 minute walk so they where definitely late"there you guys are next time be on time here grab a mic"a older man said.

"Please welcome the hype house to the stage"they heard on the speakers they all walked out taking a seat dixie making sure to sit next to addison.

"Ok first question is for dixie if you where stuck on a island which 3 hype house members would you take and why"

Dixie thought for a moment before answering"I would obviously bring Charli because she is my sister.i would bring addison because she's my bestfriend and she's really good with making stuff"

Dixie then looked down at avani"and I would bring avani because she very creative so with her we would last two days at most"everyone laughed

"Ok next question Charli how do you learn all theses dancing I can't remember one"Charli laughed"well I was a dancer before I got the "hype"so remembering choreography is pretty easy for me"

"Addison as everyone knows you and dixie became very close super quickly how did that happen"

"Well I remember it was late at night and I need a TikTok partner for the dance so I asked her and we'll the rest is history"

The person asked the rest of the members question before getting back to dixie"so dixie how do you feel about being shipped with your friends it seems everyone ships each hype house member with anyone they stand next to but there is always about 3 ships that are the most popular how do you feel about them"

"Ok let me think I think the 3 people I get shipped with the most is Taylor,nick and Addison am I right"everyone in the crowd screamed yes.

"Ok so honestly I don't really care what ever rocks there boat wait what is it"Addison then answered"what ever floats there boat"

"Yeah whatever floats there boat but I'm always team Dixison"everyone laughed"Charli how do you feel about getting the hype"

"I love it at first I didn't really care for it because I received a lot of hate but it got better and I just love my fans there so sweet"

"Addison the fans want to know is Dixison real"Addisons looked over to me smiling"I don't know dixie is it"I laughed"it is if you want it to be"addison looked at the fans"what do you guys think I think she wants it"

Everyone screamed they wanted it and that dixie did to after that they finished up the panels and we left to our rooms.

"You know the fans are going to ship us even harder now"addison said smiling at me"well I mean are they wrong for shipping us and thinking it's real"

"No they got the right idea"dixie opened the door to her hotel room addison walked in and flopped on the big bed"I wish they gave us a room together"

"Me to babe you know the good thing is where both alone and don't have to be anywhere for a while"dixie said smirking

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