Catching Violet

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I hate Missy Verna. She looks down on me while her bulimic looking minions cut off all my escape roots. I stand there as she seems to decide how to torment me to day. " Hi Violet!! I just came to ask, as an outsider what do you think of the human race?" Missy's voice takes on a note of sarcasm, but i don't reply.

Missy and her fake barbies eye me, expecting outrage. I try to use the sweetest sounding voice i can muster as i look her in her way to fake eyelash rimmed eyes. " Don't get insulted, but is your job going around and spreading annoyance?" My voice drips with honey yet bites like barb wire.

They all look shocked and Missy looks murderous as her make-up covered face glows a bright red. " Get out of my way." She shoves me hard as she leads her followers to the Gym.

I lose my balance and fall onto the unforgiving concrete. " Oh, and Violet? I hate you," Missy purrs as she scowls at me from the gym entrance. I force my self up as i fum on the inside. Why cant she leave me alone for one minute? I never did anything to her that bad!!! In fact I'm new to this school and haven't went here for 2 weeks!!! Well I've been here for a semester or two.

I brush off my red skinny jeans and straighten my David and Golaif hoodie.  A cautious look around reveals no teachers, so i push in a ear bud connected to my jacket drawstrings and pull my mp3 player out of my pocket. Without hesitation  I hit play and 30 Seconds to Mars blasts out, full volume.

I only have 1 ear bud in as I continue making my way to US HISTORY class. Frigid wind rushes past my face, but I ignore it as i let music surround me.

' Now I'm closer to the edge, it was a thousand and one in a million to two, time to go down in flames and I'm taking you.'

I love this song even though i have no real idea what it means or even all the lyrics to it. Closer to the edge was the song that made me buy all of the bands music on itunes. I don't shed those angry and helpless feelings Missy caused but I do manage to forget them. The main high school building stands in front of me now, you could practically sense the evilness of the students radiating off of the ruff brick walls.

Every single person in this school is evil in my eyes. Nobody ever helps me when Missy messes with me so that seems enough to condemn them.  I sweep open the glass doors that are about to seal me into this vile place.

A glass steel door is to my left with a copper plaque above saying OFFICE is slightly open as a student seems to talk to the secretary. I look down at the cheap tile floor and walk swiftly to other hallway. Just as i pass the office, someone walks out and they slam into me

My red tartan lace-up boots slide on the floor as i fall backwards and land awkwardly on my butt. My ear buds are yanked out of my ears and i look angrily up at who ever the idiot was who carelessly shoved into me. What i see surprises me out of my irritated mood.

A really tall boy, 6'3 probably, stood over me. Concern was plastered to his face. Beautiful honey colored eyes look down at me and they seem to cage me in their depths while his full lips draw down into a concerned line. He has a chiseled jawline with a straight nose and what should be illegal eyelashes. Chocolate colored hair sweeps over his right eye, hiding it from sight.

This boy looks as if he could lift seven of me while climbing mount Everest. He had that buff look to him that reminded me of running backs in football.  A red Abercrombie was stretched over his washboard chest and Levis hung off his hips in a attractive manner.

I realize I'm staring like a retard so i look away sheepishly and mumble an apology before standing on my own and grabbing my Jansport backpack which had slid off my shoulders and practically killing myself rushing down the now crowded halls.

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