dead or alive

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Jack passed out and Ethan sighed before kissing Jack's forehead and whispering "I do love you..."

Then Mark's voice could be heard.

M: Jack! Jack, where are you!?

No answer...

Mark had knocked Felix out cold and was now frantically trying to find Jack. As he searched the room, He came across the bathroom door. Locked.


Mark tried so desperately to open the door but to no avail.

E: Mark...

M: Ethan!?

E: Mark...Felix isn't my boyfriend.

M: What?

E: He lied...Trying to make you go away. Jack is...dead

M: Dead?

E: Felix...Drugged him and he...

M: Let me in...

E: No. You can't see this, Mark...

M: Ethan, I-

E: No. I'm not going to put you through that. I'm not, Mark.

M: O-okay...What about...him?

E: I'll dispose of the body...The police can't be involved.

M: Why?

E: Mark, Listen to me. They can't.

M: Ok-kay...

Mark started to break down but he flopped himself into the couch and let Ethan come out.

E: Mark...It'll be o-

M: Why was Felix here? What was he doing with you and Jack?

E: He told me...He'd kill you if-if...

M: I get it...You messed with me and Jack and...But why? Why me?

E: I couldn't let him kill you, Mark. I love you.

M: Y-you...what?

E: Mark, I've been in love with you since...a year ago.

M: You love me?

E: Mark...We both need someone right now and...if it doesn't go well then no hard feeling but...

Mark hugged Ethan and Ethan smiled.

E: I love you, Markimoo.

M: I love you too, Ethan...

Ethan kissed Mark's cheek and Mark bit his lip and leaned in to kiss Ethan on the mouth.

E: Mark. You need to go, Before he wakes up.

M: What about you?

E: I'll tell him...I'll...I'll handle it. He won't hurt me.

M: How do you know that?

E: Mark.

M: Okay...Call me when you can.

E: I will. Goodbye.

They kissed one last time and Mark hurried out the door and to his house, still crying lightly about Jack.


Felix woke up to Ethan dabbing blood off of his forehead with a wet rag. Felix smiled and Ethan kissed him.

E: Hi, Fefe

F: What happened?

E: Jack is still in the bathroom, drugged, just like you said. And I told Mark he was dead and I didn't let him see, and it worked perfectly.

F: He falling for you now?

E: Mhm and he kissed me...yuck

F: Gross.

E: Yeah, I know.

F: Well, Let's get Jack to the basement.

E: Alright. You'll help me, right? He's kinda heavy.

F: Sure I'll help.

Ethan and Felix march into the bathroom, grab Jack by his arms, and pull him through the house until they get to the stares.

F: How long has he been under?

E: An hour or 2

F: Shit...He might wake soon

Ethan grabs under his arms and Felix takes his legs and they carry Jack down the creaky wooden stairs and into a cement dungeon type room.

Just as they closed the door to Jack's cell, He started to stir.

E: I'll go.

F: Don't come down again

Ethan nodded, wearily, and went back up the stairs and closed the door.

Felix peered through the bars at Jack as he stirred more.

J: mmh...mhh

Felix stared as Jack mumbled.

J: mm-mm-maaark

J: M-mark...Mark?

He sat up quickly and looked around then his eyes landed on Felix, the bars, the key in Felix's hand, then he realized the chain on his ankle which connected to the floor.

J: Felix? Mark!? Where's-

F: He's in love with Ethan now.

J: No he isn't! Tell me what you did with him! You asshole!

F: I'm not lying. In just a few hours, I'll have proof.

J: Hours!? I don't want to be here! Let me the fuck-

F: Wow...Kitten, You've really grown a pair since last time.

Jack immediantly went red in the face and looked at his feet, remembering his old self, before Mark, before freedom, before courage...

F: You used to be a pussy now...Now you've learned to play pretend and it seems your favorite game is playing the big bad wolf. But eventually...

Felix smiles.

F: The wolf isn't strong enough

Jack seems to shrink in size and Felix laughs a little.

F: Just a few hours and I'll be back, kitten.

J: Don't...

F: What was that?

J: My name is Jack.

F: Sure thing, kitten.

J: My name. Is. Jack.

F: kitten


Ethan called Mark and Mark picked up immediately.

M: Ethan!

E: I'm here. I'm okay. How are you?

M: Not good...I miss him...

E: It's okay, I'm here now. Can I come over?

M: Sure. Tell me how it went with Felix when you get here.

E: Alright I will. Bye, Mark

M: Bye, Eth




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